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For the Mackeral!

  1. 8 years ago

    Indeed! Tis a glorious day! Our foes shall soon know the sting of defeat and our allies will know success beyond their wildest dreams. Today is the day for every player to decide whether or not they want to be a part of our glorious conquest. Together we shall conquer! Noot Noot!

  2. Edited 8 years ago by PenguinCommander

    Our Fallen Brother,

    Your valiant sacrifice is appreciated and your continued service to the Order of the Mackeral is as highly valued today as it was the first day that our paths crossed.

    This cowardly snake shall meet his doom at the hands/flippers of a horde of angry penguins. He shall be held accountable for his dastardly actions.

    Thank you for your continued service. Noot Noot!