Our emblem is the best period.
Our emblem is the best period.
oh hell yeah
I can see you made my army an emblem, thanks :)
@bluesnoww ayyy
leaving this here :) rip thread
leaving this here :) rip thread
I can name all of the people in that picture.. I read too much history xD :P
@TheDunmerRaven I can name all of the people in that picture.. I read too much history xD :P
Lol you said that and I was like how would you know that. Then I took a closer look and recognized every one of them.......
I'm losing my shit over here
@FishW Lol you said that and I was like how would you know that. Then I took a closer look and recognized every one of them.......
And I quite enjoyed that pun :P
So hows the communist faction going? :P
My post was removed :/
And I quite enjoyed that pun :P
Edit: I thought you meant my first post not my now removed pic lol
How did we go from animals to pvp?
Whoops wrong thread lmao
@FishW My post was removed :/
It ventured into controversial and political areas and I removed it.
@Nysic It ventured into controversial and political areas and I removed it.
I understand. :)