1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by BoneChi11er

    So um, I found this... on the interwebs...

    So @BaronBattleBread , what were you high on and can I have some?

  2. Why did you tag baron?

  3. Because that is him yelling.

  4. What the actual fuck lol

  5. drug reference there bone LOL

  6. Baron likes turkeys

  7. I didnt know that was baron...fail.

  8. If i would have done that, the turkeys would have come after me screaming

  9. Lmao wut

  10. they were blocking the busstop for the school kids so i had to intervene.. those turkeys are bloody evil anyway

  11. Baron = hero. He did what he had to do for pride and honour xD

  12. @BaronBattleBread they were blocking the busstop for the school kids so i had to intervene.. those turkeys are bloody evil anyway

    I know those town dwelling turkeys can be pretty nasty, we used to have one out here with a 6+ inch beard on it. And it really didnt like me... you dont know fear till youve had a massive wild turkey all puffed up chasing you in your yard because it didnt like the way you looked at it

  13. lmfao XD

  14. The poor turkeys! lol

  15. lel

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