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TheManOfMuffins7 Ban appeal

  1. 8 years ago

    reason for ban: chat spam and derogatory terms

    why i should be unbanned: I was in my noob days of minecraft then. I also had a bad computer, so when i lagged and lost my stuff, i got really mad.
    i am really sorry for doing what i did, and i really hope you can un ban me.


  2. Hello, the staff member that banned you is no longer active, although you were banned for the following;

    [20:33:50] [Chat]: * RedPepperJelly IS VERY PISSID AT HOW HARD THE PAARKOUR IS
    [20:34:07] [Chat]: <RedPepperJelly> oops i forgot about the caps
    [20:36:09] [Chat]: <RedPepperJelly> hey crafty could i have a snowball fight with you at spawn?
    [20:38:18] [Chat]: <RedPepperJelly> ap4 dont leave this tie you NOOB
    [20:41:31] [Chat]: <RedPepperJelly> does anybody have any free stuff i can have?
    [20:43:05] [Chat]: <RedPepperJelly> crafty is there anyplace i can get free items?
    [20:43:16] [Chat]: <RedPepperJelly> aww...
    [20:44:04] [Chat]: <RedPepperJelly> i cant vote my dad has parental contols on my account
    [20:44:16] [Chat]: <RedPepperJelly> i know
    [20:44:27] [Chat]: <RedPepperJelly> its freaking annoying
    [20:44:54] [Chat]: * RedPepperJelly is annoyed at his dad for putting parental controls on his account
    [20:31:00] [Chat]: <RedPepperJelly> PLEASE I NEED DIAMONDS
    [20:52:39] [Chat]: <RedPepperJelly> can i have some free stuff?
    [20:52:52] [Chat]: <RedPepperJelly> can i have some free stuff?
    [20:53:02] [Chat]: <RedPepperJelly> can i have some free stuff?
    [20:53:23] [Chat]: <RedPepperJelly> anybody with no armor and wants diamonds FOLLOW ME
    [20:53:46] [Chat]: <RedPepperJelly> anybody with no armor and wants diamonds FOLLOW ME
    [20:57:09] [Chat]: <RedPepperJelly> give me back my stuff you IDIOT!!!!
    [20:57:38] [Chat]: <RedPepperJelly> give it the fuck back!
    [20:58:06] [Chat]: <RedPepperJelly> sd

    You broke the following rules:
    Be respectful to other players - Don’t use extremely derogatory terms or epithets. Don’t insult or personally attack others in excess. If someone asks you to stop, then stop. Don’t cross the line or continue after you’ve been asked you to stop.

    Don’t use excessive or extremely offensive profanity - Cursing is allowed in moderation, but don’t go overboard or get shockingly offensive with it. Staff will warn you if you’re crossing the line.

    No hate speech in any form - Never engage in hate speech of any kind. This means chat, private message, in your builds, in books, your skin, signs, or any other way that you can think of.

    Practice good chat etiquette - Don’t use caps, don’t spam, don’t discuss controversial, sensitive or offensive topics (e.g. sex, sexual identity or preferences, race, politics, religion, drugs, etc.), no advertising, no links, no trolling. Please only use the minecraft font and English in global chat. Also part of chat etiquette is having an appropriately named character since your name appears on the player list and in chat. If your name is inappropriate you will be asked to change it. You will likely be banned until you do.

    You'll be unbanned once this thread is 3 days old.