Team Eye New Emblem!!

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 8 years ago

    @The_Green_Gamer Gnome, Bone spelled his name with no L's... he used 1's...

    tfw you try to make a foolproof joke and you still end up a fool

    @ORCA_Gnome Cant spell bonechiller with out 2 L's

  3. criaotic

    27 May 2016 Suspended

    how do you pronounce his name? Im sure you dont say bone chi-one-one-er

  4. @ORCA_Gnome how do you pronounce his name? Im sure you dont say bone chi-one-one-er

    Of course not... it's pronounced Bone Chi-eleven-er. :P

  5. criaotic

    27 May 2016 Suspended


  6. learn to "take an l" ... Dumbest phrase ever btw

  7. @Eberk91 learn to "take an l" ... Dumbest phrase ever btw

    i second that

  8. its not l its L

  9. tsu

    28 May 2016 Suspended

    argonFi"L"es #L hold that L @argonFiles

  10. @tsu argonFi"L"es #L hold that L @argonFiles

    what does it even mean

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