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1.9 Updates and Ideas

  1. 8 years ago

    "CraftyMyner 5 hours ago Server Owner
    I would be willing to transfer bases, but if your base has diamond blocks, heads, anything that's worth more then quartz, It would be removed."

    oh crafty crafty please yes transfer my base i dont even have quartz
    i could stay with the group and not lose my months of work

  2. I would like to keep my base. But I could live without it and rebuild too. My main grief is losing the hundreds of hours spent mining obsidian. I probably have mined over 100,000 obisidan blocks by now, most of which are used at my base.

    If I could receive even a fraction of those after a reset then it would be enormous compensation for the time lost. And this begs the question as to next year. What happens when a Minecraft 2.0 comes out? Will CraftyMynes keep resetting the map from year to year? Then what's the point of spending so much time that will be lost, again, next year???

    I'd like to know the answers so I can decide soon whether to continue mining obsidian on the 1.8.9 server...

  3. Very true, the reason why I made the new spawn the way I did was because I liked the old one, but there were so many small things wrong with it that I did have the time or ability to change. I have gone through everything and made decisions as if I'm going to have to live with them for many years.

    @_Drachenzorn_ What do you mean by full consultation with the client?

    I mean that it won't just be a simple, hey, can i get my base on the new server? I would more be like:

    Hey I found a new place for my base on the new server and here's the cords to my base on the old server. I would like this section and this one. Ok that will be 5 chunks, so $25, ok. After payment, please wait a few hours for me to get the region files prepared. Ok, how far above ground do you want it? ok, and do you want grass or stone here, sounds good. Please leave the area for a few hours while I replace the region files, don't login to this area until the next restart or it won't work. Now that your base is in place, heres some dirt and some saplings to terraform.

  4. I spent many hours on our base and can assure you it has been sad to leave it but I don't think Crafty should be copying across bases. It is good to all be starting afresh and putting folks back on a level playing field. it has also brought the chance to make new friends.