1. ‹ Older
  2. 7 years ago

    evil shrimp sandwich of..

  3. Scooby snacks was eaten

    (I just like using brand names lol)

  4. by the Great tomato...

  5. using her magic belly

  6. And a fork. Then

  7. whirling up a seedstorm

  8. ... to obliterate all the ...

  9. poop inside of him

  10. and the story ends.

  11. ... but suddenly a giant ...
    (this ain't gonna end haha )

  12. foot squishes all the

  13. .. white walkers while they ..

  14. ... snack on big mice ...

    (lmao this is the 3rd most replied thread on the forum XD thanks guys)

  15. That Nysic destroyed using

  16. "The Land Down Under"

  17. which ended up in

  18. Azrad 's living room


  19. Edited 7 years ago by Cileklim

    as a furry carpet...

  20. which made from wool

  21. that contained secret ooze

    (This thread died a little xD)

  22. Newer ›

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