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CraftyMynes Owner AMA

  1. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by ViciousKangaroo

    Crafty have you tried out pokemon GO yet? I just got it today and i caught a bulbasaur :D

  2. @CraftyMyner Shh, please keep your mind reading to yourself *cough* *cough*.

    OMG I had this exact same idea just today! A server for all of the hackers! Instead of just banning them and losing a large portion of players, just send them to the hacker server! Genius!

  3. @_Haxington_ OMG I had this exact same idea just today! A server for all of the hackers! Instead of just banning them and losing a large portion of players, just send them to the hacker server! Genius!

    I have had this idea since I upgraded to 1.9, and 2Chill and I really made it a reality in my mind a while ago, I already have the domain.