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Riddle me this!

  1. 7 years ago

    Here's a nice one:

    A census taker knocks on a man's door and asks if he has children.
    "I have three children" the man says.
    The census taker then asks: "How old are they?"
    The man, being a keen mathematician replies: "The product of their ages is 72, and the sum of their ages is the same as my door number"
    "Don't be ridiculous" says the census taker, "I can't figure out their ages from that"
    "Oh right" replies the man "I forgot to mention that my eldest daughter likes chocolate"

    The census taker then writes down the ages of the tree children.

    How old are the three children, and why?

  2. You're a farmer who's taking today's harvest over to town to sell at the market. The road has recently been re-made and there's a fork in the road. You're not quite sure which way to go. Two men stand by the road, there's one on the right, and there's one on the left. One of the men always tells lies, while the other always tells the truth. The market will be closing soon so you only have enough time to ask one of the men one question, and you have to be absolutely sure that you're heading the correct way. What question do you ask?

  3. ^ this is such a.....logical answer xD

    Cause most riddles here are with funny or ridiculous answers lolol! But I learned a new thing today! :)