1. ‹ Older
  2. 7 years ago

    If you built the machine at building limit, being sniped is highly unlikely but if you fall, it's certain death.

    I think, assuming nobody else is near you, when you leave, the machine along with your chunk is unloaded from memory so when you join back the machine is in the exact place it would have been when you left.

    Correct me if I am wrong on that...

  3. correct, of course the sensible thing to do would be deactivate the machine, then log off.

  4. Shulkers are strange and their projectiles follow the player, even passing through walls sometimes. If its a tall city there is the chance they would notice
    And i have no idea on flying machines xD gotta learn

  5. Deleted 7 years ago by Chips_The_Gamer
  6. @_Confederacy_ If you built the machine at building limit, being sniped is highly unlikely but if you fall, it's certain death.

    I think, assuming nobody else is near you, when you leave, the machine along with your chunk is unloaded from memory so when you join back the machine is in the exact place it would have been when you left.

    Correct me if I am wrong on that...

    Well you could just wear an elytra and glide towards a nearby island. But if you're no where near an island and if you built the machine at building limit like you said, jumping off with an elytra from that height would surely let you reach far away islands so I think you'd be safe for the most part, unless the lag is terrible and you happen to fall out and your elytra won't activate xD (Happens to me a lot)

  7. Deleted 7 years ago by Cellexya
  8. Yeah ik I already mentioned that xD Elytras never go off when I want them to :P

  9. Every time I use them I plunge to my death XD

  10. I used one in the nether once. Worst idea ever -_- I ended up gliding through a nether fortress with angry wither skellies and then I fell in lava ;~;

  11. Or use a flying machine at Y: 1

    If the islands don't go all the way down to layer 1 then you will be safe, and though It will take longer than using elytra there is much less risk of death, and you can find an island without fear of a bad landing... Just stop the machine and build up...

  12. This is fantastic! I really like the grass contrast to the bleak sky! Makes me want to build in the end... you might have a far off neighbor in the future...

  13. I just moved in with them, so be ready for a post about "Oasis" soon :)

  14. Edited 7 years ago by TheForgotten20

    your mean to sit in a boat in the flying machine so you dont fall off etc nd server restart doesnt matter and bring magic met, helth pots and projectile prot 4
    also epearling is pretty safe even with lag

  15. @TheForgotten20 your mean to sit in a boat in the flying machine so you dont fall off etc nd server restart doesnt matter and bring magic met, helth pots and projectile prot 4
    also epearling is pretty safe even with lag

    actually its safer to put a platform on the front and hold shift, just stay off the pistons

  16. Edited 7 years ago by ViciousKangaroo

    @ardoasms actually its safer to put a platform on the front and hold shift, just stay off the pistons

    Yeah if you relog on a boat, you will fall through and die instantly according to my attemps. And if you stand on the pistons you will fall through so try not to jump

  17. Edited 7 years ago by TheForgotten20

    so basically make a 3x3 platform stand in le middle put a weight on shift and do other stuff
    but if you build one of le faster flying machines 2hr59 mins is plentiful to get relly far in, then stop ur machine and stand on a blocks untill reset then kep going 6hrs should be good enuff. the bad thing bou flying machines is that it cant go diagonally

  18. @TheForgotten20 so basically make a 3x3 platform stand in le middle put a weight on shift and do other stuff
    but if you build one of le faster flying machines 2hr59 mins is plentiful to get relly far in, then stop ur machine and stand on a blocks untill reset then kep going 6hrs should be good enuff. the bad thing bou flying machines is that it cant go diagonally

    Gimme a picture of what ur talking about yeah xD

  19. Edited 7 years ago by Dannysharks

    These are my endergrinders xD The first one doesn't work much, so just drops them into lava to save entities. The second works perfectly, as you can see ^-^
    Also, all your grinders should get better as i slab more

  20. Ooo

  21. impressive!
    is your autojump on? :D
    i would fall everyday...

  22. Newer ›

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