Blocks spiders cannot climb

  1. 7 years ago

    Are there any? I don't know of any but I may just be a noob.

    ( solid/transparent blocks that take up 1 block of space)

  2. glass.. is the only one i know of. they even climb cactus. XD

  3. Ah.
    I will test it out.
    Thank you very much!

  4. What about the new 1.10 magma block? Ive never tested it so idk.

  5. Eh.. tested glass and they climbed it.. and magma would not be useful since it is a grinder...
    Thanks for the suggestion though.

  6. As of 1.8 they can climb all blocks with a hitbox that impedes the player, including glass. The buggers will climb anything that takes up 1 block of space.

    What are you trying to do?

  7. They can't climb doors if that helps...

  8. if you put in an overhang, they cant get over it

  9. i thought they couldn't climb glass panes

  10. They can climb panes and iron bars and the like, but they will get stuck at the top if there is a block on top.
    Doors is interesting, haven't tried that before.

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