Edited 7 years ago by Cileklim

When i first joined in 1.8, i just sat in spawn with my leather armor for few hours, then RetroSenpaii helped me get to nether roof. We built a house together and she left to help someone else, leaving a sign with a sassy joke on my door.

I expanded the house, built a basement, garden etc. A month and few weeks later 1.9 came so i had to start all over again.

1.9 server came online and i joined instantly. The new spawn was really nice and i was wandering around again, then i moved to a ravine with BoneCh11er. After 2 days he left too, he said he was going to create a building guild and asked me to be a member;

I accepted.

Without that offer, i would probably build a small house, maybe a farm too, and stay there until a new reset.

Now here i am, along with BoneCh11er, managing base(s), building awesome things along with the most ambitious player(s), becoming better and better everyday.