Tales Of The CraftyMyners

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 7 years ago
    • Everyone thought I was biologically male which was fun
    • I thought shvex was an introvert
    • Gnomeo was a weird ass but got my stupid jokes and references so I guess I'm a weird ass
    • I never thought I would get to know idogetwinkie like we were completely different people and he thought the same but we became buds
    • raw0rz still is the rare few who can make me tear up in laughter in the chat
    • I thought richard was innocent boy was I fucking wrong
    • No one has any expectations for clutch he becomes clutch when hes ready
    • My craftymynes senpai is still my only senpai
    • Bonechiller invited me to harvestar without the possible threat of me destroying it

    there was also the time I typoed " lol I stole your exp" to " lol I stole your ex" when with bone

    • I thought scarlosis and outshotz we're like blood brothers or some shit the bromance felt real
    • I sat at spawn the first time I joined and stared at CraftyMyner building for a good 5 minutes like a creep
    • I met shibatabread during a spawn war and he got murdered so we stole his blaze rods
  3. First time I think I met cookie was when we started a /me war that annoyed everyone..

  4. Omg all these stories are great haha having a good laugh reading these

    I have another tale of how i became friends with someone but sadly @Otakuinalaska has vanished now but anyway

    'Twas a warm spring evening and and young visionary by the name of edward638 had organised a PvP tournament that I had went to watch but sadly due to an error the balcony we were watching from wasnt safe and most of us died and i lost my god bow. Enter the hero named Otakuinalaska he returned the bow to me then uttered the fatal words to me "Anything for a fellow Miku fan" then after we we became good friends

    I make these sound so weird and dramatic haha

  5. @Chips_The_Gamer One time back on 1.8, LokiofAsgard (His old username was TheCrazyJoker but this was after he changed his name) and LoopyMosquitoes and I rtped out, and we made Loopy a grave (Since he had supposedly died in chat lol) He hopped in and we covered it up, and we just sat there xD A zombie came along and loki and I decided to shove it in the grave.
    Surprisingly, the zombie just wanted to hug loopy xD But Loki sorta disappeared (Or quit if I don't remember, but I doubt it) and loopy quit :P RIP...I had lots of fun that day tho xD

    I banned loopy.

  6. ah rip him then

  7. @R4iscool1 I banned loopy.

    wow just bring that to attention lol

  8. @R4iscool1 I banned loopy.


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