2001hawk ban appeal

  1. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 months ago by 2001hawk

    2001hawk's Ban Appeal
    Name: 2001hawk
    Reason: I honestly do not know what my reason was. I was killing some sheep, when I suddenly got banned. What i'm guessing I got banned for was the warnings I got for talking about things in chat, but they were supposed to stay in the forums. But the problem is, I stopped talking about these topics. I DID NOT use any hacks or any other external mods. I DID NOT spam chat. I DID NOT ignore any admins or moderators. I DID NOT continue talking and annoy any admins or moderators. I hope this appeal will be resolved quickly.
    Reason to be unbanned: Read the statement above.

  2. Hi I'm the Mod that banned you, not only did you disobey direct orders to stop discussing the Topic of hacks in chat (Clearly trying to work out how we discovered you friend Avier and how to avoid that happening to you) but I also watched you mine directly to multiple diamond veins and was able to conclude that you did indeed Xray.
    The only reason you weren't banned on the spot was to smoke out any of your friends.

    Appeal denied.

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