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The grey palace

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by Sofatroll

    Hey folks,
    today me, @Laineyyz and @Tweakerzoid started building small castle-structure. The construction of the entire building will take days if not even weeks, which is why we're gonna give you guys updates about how the building is coming along

    Day 1:


    All you see on that picture is planned to be our great hall when finished. The castle itself will surround it

    Edit: Witness our lovely casino-hats

  2. Edited 8 years ago by Sofatroll

    Day 2:

    There is not much to say, just compare the difference, me and @Laineyyz made great progress today

  3. Edited 8 years ago by Sofatroll

    Day 3:

    Greetings from the construction site. Today we worked on the floor, making things look smooth and adding some colour. See the results of a hard day of work. Also I wanna thank @Valgys for donating us a load of stone, we will sure need it :]



  4. in one day you guys build what it takes me 4-5 im amazed by this speed, ill never match up!
    so far my second favourite base after @Zabolca 's pit

  5. @TheForgotten20 in one day you guys build what it takes me 4-5 im amazed by this speed, ill never match up!
    so far my second favourite base after @Zabolca 's pit

    We have a great team and we work really well together.
    Alone would be impossible to achieve this in a few days cause that scale is... massive. We have a lot of fun building together and that helps too. :) I Guess all u need is to find the right people! This is a multiplayer game, and it gets better when we actually use the multiplayer part! ;)

  6. Edited 8 years ago by Sofatroll

    Day 4

    I honestly totally forgot about the update and didnt take screens today, but due to the lack of time all of us had the progress wasnt that big then in the last days, however we added:

    • a plateau at the end of the hall including a throne and a table with 9 sittable chairs for the council
    • a giantic stairway to acces the first floor, another one will follow tomorrow to keep it symetric
    • a few minor details

    Im gonn post pics of it tomorrow

  7. Edited 8 years ago by Sofatroll

    Day 5:

    We worked on the second floor and on the roof which consists of several arches.
    My screens are taken without shaders today since I made them via my laptop which isnt strong enough to use them, however @Tweakerzoid's screens have shaders on. Enjoy.


  8. Day 6/7

    The hall itself is almost finished. Smaller details need to be fixed tho. During the next days we are going to focus on the exterrior

  9. Day 8:

    nothing happened. Today is my day off that i've spent building some random stuff and playing Verdun. Construction is going to continue tomorrow.

  10. we also have an active competition, you'll see