Why did you name your tool/weapon/armour what you did ??

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by Sofatroll

    My sword has it's name for several reasons. Staff told me that the name my sword had before was to sexual, which I understand. So I found a better name. It's not only my favourite song from the band Conflict, it also perfectly describes my career on CM. Once known as AlwaysDrunkPunk I was perma-banned for attempted duping. But I returned and contiuned my work. And after failing so many times I managed to assemble an incredible team. Almost 5 months after returning from dead as Sofatroll I'm now leader of the server's largest sub-community. That's why I named my blade The Guilt and the Glory

  3. awww <3

  4. Deleted 4 years ago by AlexAce93
  5. Pickaxe: don't fking lose it again

    Because I lost my god pickaxes TWICE dying in lava.

  6. Lmao @Laineyyz

    Sword: upsetti-spaghetti: because I'm Italian and I get upset when @Sofatroll puts ketchup on spaghetti. (Don't do it at home)

    picaxe: salamini beretta (go search it on the internet)

    Bow: mosin nagant (Russian sniper rifle)

    Hoe: I'm useful (cause I never use it)

    Suggestions for the shovel?

    Axe: bambo (Rambo bambi)

    Elytra: jack, I'm flying

  7. Edited 7 years ago by WBlaine

    Pick axe: diamond pick axe
    Sword: diamond sword
    Axe: diamond axe

    Because im creative

  8. Sword.......0--}=====> cuz pictures OP
    axe ........ never got to naming one
    Helmet: Made by Blackfish_
    Chestplate: Mobile BUnker
    leggings:Made by Blackfish_
    boots: Made by Blackfish_
    pick: Made by Blackfish_

  9. ok... deep breath... and go.

    My sword has a longish story so lets begin at where it started. I was running low on resources and didn't want to mine, so I teamed up with a noob, "FireBoy" (name probably changed because my memory isnt good). My plan was to get started mining and stuff then I would take the valuables and run. Now somehow, I died and spawned at my real base and FireBoy noticed I was missing and sent a Tp request. Somehow a few people said things in the chat which positioned [accept] right where I would click if I, I dunno, DOUBLE CLICKED ON ACCIDENT! Well thats what happened and so in my panic I tried to kill him... with my fist. He got my coords and returned shortly with Slimeontime and Ryanisawesome. I got help from GhostlyBlades and SuspectSky and we drove them away. I had to move... shortly after that, Ghostlyblades gave me a really good diamond sword, I don't know why. I named it...

    Vengeful Flame

    p.s. I was going to name it: Vengeful Flame, Slime on time, but changed my mind.

  10. @BenjoBanjo7 ok... deep breath... and go.

    My sword has a longish story so lets begin at where it started. I was running low on resources and didn't want to mine, so I teamed up with a noob, "FireBoy" (name probably changed because my memory isnt good). My plan was to get started mining and stuff then I would take the valuables and run. Now somehow, I died and spawned at my real base and FireBoy noticed I was missing and sent a Tp request. Somehow a few people said things in the chat which positioned [accept] right where I would click if I, I dunno, DOUBLE CLICKED ON ACCIDENT! Well thats what happened and so in my panic I tried to kill him... with my fist. He got my coords and returned shortly with Slimeontime and Ryanisawesome. I got help from GhostlyBlades and SuspectSky and we drove them away. I had to move... shortly after that, Ghostlyblades gave me a really good diamond sword, I don't know why. I named it...

    Vengeful Flame

    p.s. I was going to name it: Vengeful Flame, Slime on time, but changed my mind.

    p.p.s. thx ghostly! and if anyone comes across an island with a wood house and a sign on the front pls leave it be

  11. My Axe... The Diamond Hax

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