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I want to play

  1. 7 years ago

    Oh come on!!! i was off work today and it's 4pm now....

  2. yeah guys I know its bad that we couldn't play today but remember it takes a lot of work to build a maze and to terriaform the area for it just remember that they cant snap there fingers ands its done it takes work and time

  3. Edited 7 years ago by misterkickman

    @cholowiz133 yeah guys I know its bad that we couldn't play today but remember it takes a lot of work to build a maze and to terriaform the area for it just remember that they cant snap there fingers ands its done it takes work and time

    You do realize that the downtime isn't about the maze right....

  4. Edited 7 years ago by MisterReco

    @cholowiz133 yeah guys I know its bad that we couldn't play today but remember it takes a lot of work to build a maze and to terriaform the area for it just remember that they cant snap there fingers ands its done it takes work and time

    Well with /fill you can fill an area or block with cubes (including air blocks)