Selling shulker shells/boxes - shop open for business!

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 8 years ago

    I'd like 8 boxes, one of each: red, green, blue, yellow, purple, orange, black, and white!

  3. Deleted 8 years ago by Fingerbib
  4. ill buy ten boxes uncolored

  5. Edited 8 years ago by TopsNeverStops

    Can i have 11 shulker boxes for 11 diamonds? thanks

  6. Edited 8 years ago by cepheid

    @Rybye and @TopsNeverStops both of your shipments are ready, message me or one of my partners whenever you see us in game

    (all orders above this post are either filled or ready and waiting at this time)

  7. I'll buy 19, should be on pretty soon

  8. -image-

    Just one of the many uses for shulker boxes: keeping your valuables secured from raiders!

  9. How much would you charge for like two stacks of shulker shells? :)

  10. Edited 8 years ago by cepheid

    @cepheid 1 diamond = 2 shulker shells

    1 stack of diamonds
    We can even craft them into boxes and dye them any color you like for free

  11. I'd like to buy

    5 White Shulker Boxes.

    Thank you very much

  12. all orders are ready for pickup. Please remind one of us in game as it's very difficult with so many orders to remember who is still waiting on their shulker boxes

  13. @cepheid @iDogeTwinkie
    1 stack of diamonds
    We can even craft them into boxes and dye them any color you like for free

    Right. You got a deal. I'll come online now because I need them damn things. I just need the shells.
    You'll need forever to craft them and shit like that so I'll save us both time lol :P

  14. Edited 8 years ago by PenguinMytyMJ

    32 shulker boxes please, 2 of each colour please :)
    I'll get on eventually -.-

  15. I would like to get 4 shulker boxes 2 red and 2 green. I will likely be on this afternoon or evening.

  16. I would like to order 9 black shulker boxes and 1brown shulker box

  17. as far as I can tell the only pending orders at this time are @Fish_life @Cileklim and @TopsNeverStops . All 3 orders are ready, message me in-game anytime

  18. I was just about to log on but I think I'm having connection issues, I'll get them when I see you on

  19. I'd like to buy a repeat of my first order again, just cause I like them. 8 white boxes, 8 black boxes, and 8 cyan boxes. :)

  20. Buy 1-2 Shulker Box - Any color. Urgently

  21. @Somenii Buy 1-2 Shulker Box - Any color. Urgently

    You're 4 months late.

  22. Newer ›

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