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  1. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by Grinning_Bobcat

    @gilbertboys lel. funny thing to think about name a war where the bad guys won. besides 2013 crimea

    @Dennari43 If the bad guys won a war, then we wouldn't think of them as the bad guys. They would be the goods guys, because they decided history for us. For example, all the battles between colonists/American's and the Native Americans who lived there already. The colonists often won and now we populate the whole country and get poor representation of Native Americans and are barely taught anything about them as kids, the "winners of the war" influencing our perception and view of American Indians.

    Are bad people really bad? Or have twisted views of good that lock horns with other views of good? Enemies in war see each other as the bad guys, so really consulting moralities get thrown out the window in war if you think about it.

    "We kill people that kill because killing is wrong"

    Question anything enough and it eventual breaks down. Granted some things people do aren't okay but don't we judge that with morality too? Hiroshima is a an example of this.

  2. @Grinning_Bobcat Are bad people really bad?

    Yes, that's why they're called "bad."

    @Grinning_Bobcat Or have twisted views of good that lock horns with other views of good?

    You mean like the example I used? Native Americans: wanted to live on their lands and fought to protect what was theirs. A justified reason and a good one at that. It already was their land and they just wanted to not have it take from them. Colonists: wanted the land. Took it. But it's okay because they are a growing group of people and shouldn't be cramped into small areas and there's so much land it must be okay right?
    It's not two good views against each other. It's a rational view of protecting was is yours and an oppressive view of wanting what isn't yours.
    Another example: Hitler. He fought for one thing, and the good parts of the world fought for another reason. Are you saying both of that war's sides had good views and reasons for what they did? Or at least twisted views of what he thought were good?

    I see what you mean by it, a little bit. Some people have distorted views. When it comes to wars, morality is tricky and we try to do the closest thing to the right actions that we can. We sit in a lot of grey areas when it comes to this, and sometimes there are people who had good intentions, but not good results. But then there are some people who just want to watch the world burn. We as humans are NOT inherently good. We are born and raised in a corrupt world and as hard as we all try to be the best version of humanity, we always fall short. Despite this, a lot of people still keep trying to be a light in dark places. But those dark places have a lot of bad people in them too. People that don't care at all about others, people that are not able to feel for others, and people that enjoy seeing pain and suffering. Twisted views? Yes. Twisted views that came out of good intentions? Not always. There are more than enough examples of evil people that couldn't care less about good moral reasons for doing something. They just want to rule the world and will do anything, even kill off millions of people, to get that power.

    @Grinning_Bobcat Are bad people really bad?

    I will say it again. Yes, they are.

  3. @Dennari43 Yes, that's why they're called "bad."

    You mean like the example I used? Native Americans: wanted to live on their lands and fought to protect what was theirs. A justified reason and a good one at that. It already was their land and they just wanted to not have it take from them. Colonists: wanted the land. Took it. But it's okay because they are a growing group of people and shouldn't be cramped into small areas and there's so much land it must be okay right?
    It's not two good views against each other. It's a rational view of protecting was is yours and an oppressive view of wanting what isn't yours.
    Another example: Hitler. He fought for one thing, and the good parts of the world fought for another reason. Are you saying both of that war's sides had good views and reasons for what they did? Or at least twisted views of what he thought were good?

    I see what you mean by it, a little bit. Some people have distorted views. When it comes to wars, morality is tricky and we try to do the closest thing to the right actions that we can. We sit in a lot of grey areas when it comes to this, and sometimes there are people who had good intentions, but not good results. But then there are some people who just want to watch the world burn. We as humans are NOT inherently good. We are born and raised in a corrupt world and as hard as we all try to be the best version of humanity, we always fall short. Despite this, a lot of people still keep trying to be a light in dark places. But those dark places have a lot of bad people in them too. Ppeople that don't care at all about others, people that are not able to feel for others, and people that enjoy seeing pain and suffering. Twisted views? Yes. Twisted views that came out of good intentions? Not always. There are more than enough examples of evil people that couldn't care less about good moral reasons for doing something. They just want to rule the world and will do anything, even kill off millions of people, to get that power.

    I will say it again. Yes, they are.

    nice to see someone that can explain and support their reasoning. I did not imply every view follows the logic of "distorted good views" but while a person needs no reason to not do wrong I like to believe that children aren't immediately corrupt. People aren't simply just bad from birth. A new born knows not wrong or right therefore can be considered dead center of the scale of good and evil. Once they make decisions that scale shifts accordingly. Those decisions can be influenced by their environment, what they were taught, and their own reasoning due to previous influencing