Cellexya's Assorted Goods

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 8 years ago

    selling power 5 for 20 emeralds

  3. Make your own post Rybye :P you don't sell for me

  4. PVP and God sets now available!

  5. three mending, one unbreaking 3, one feather falling 4

  6. I need a god shovel pls

  7. I would like to purchase a god suit please.

  8. @Cellexya PVP sets available as well! 50 diamonds for a full set including the following enchants:
    •Helmet: Respiration III, Aqua Affinity, Protection IV, Unbreaking III, Curse of Vanishing
    •Chest Piece: Protection IV, Unbreaking III, Curse of Vanishing
    •Leggings: Protection IV, Unbreaking III, Curse of Vanishing
    •Boots: Depth Strider III, Feather Falling IV, Protection IV, Unbreaking II, Curse of Vanishing

    Single pieces are 15 diamonds each

    Bulk is available on most books, pm me for bulk pricing.

    PVP sets available as well! 50 diamonds for a full set including the following enchants:
    •Helmet: Respiration III, Aqua Affinity, Protection IV, Unbreaking III, Curse of Vanishing
    •Chest Piece: Protection IV, Unbreaking III, Curse of Vanishing
    •Leggings: Protection IV, Unbreaking III, Curse of Vanishing
    •Boots: Depth Strider III, Feather Falling IV, Protection IV, Unbreaking II <--- :o !!, Curse of Vanishing

    Single pieces are 15 diamonds each

    Bulk is available on most books, pm me for bulk pricing.

  9. @Retrochewy Thanks for noticing the typo, it's corrected now. Should read Unbreaking III

  10. Curse of Binding added

  11. Buying 2x God Picks one with FortuneIII the other with Silk Touch is that a total of 50 dias?

  12. @Sirchristopher10 Your order is ready to be picked up, and is 50 diamonds total.

  13. God bows added.

  14. God rods added.

  15. Can i order a Lure III book and an Aqua Affinity book please? @Cellexya

  16. God set orders and bulk tool orders will be filled within 3 days. Because of the sheer amount of exp it takes to complete these orders they usually cannot be done quickly.

  17. @Cellexya How are you combining the enchantments?
    Just in case you're not aware (and for anyone else) combining books in pairs first makes the overall level cost much lower. When you do this you also want to make sure you add enchantments with a low anvil cost (e.g. unbreaking, mending) onto books with enchantments that have a high anvil cost (e.g. thorns, looting).

    If you do it correctly a full godset without thorns should cost 80 levels total, with each step costing no more than 10 levels. A godset with thorns though will cost 160 levels total, but each step should cost no more than 15 levels.

  18. I usually do them however I have them in my inventory, that is nice to know though, ty!

  19. Hey can I buy 10 Unbreaking 3 books

  20. Sharpness V added!

  21. God swords added!

  22. Newer ›

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