OmegaDUDEGamer's Ban Appeal

  1. 7 years ago

    (Using Nysic's format)

    Name: OmegaDUDEGamer

    Reason for ban: X-ray resource pack (texture pack, whatever you prefer to call it.)

    This was the first ever time I cheated on any server at all, and will probably be the last.
    I will admit, what I have done is wrong and that it hurts the server's economy.
    However, I have friends that play on this server and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get back on.
    I promise I will never cheat again, and If I do make it back on the server, I will dispose of my diamonds posthaste.
    Here is where you can download some video evidence of me deleting the resource pack:

    If you choose to not forgive me, I understand. What I did was a terrible thing.

  2. Hello we have a strict policy when it comes to hacker/cheaters,unfortunately for you this mean the ban is a permanent 1.
    Gl and hope lesson was learned.

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