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Really staff? Really?

  1. 8 years ago

    Surprise, Surprise, the owner actually reads and replies on his own forum, also, I think you have hit on a valuable point, the players on the server respect me for what I do. Any sort of community that has a head would be shit if the the one in charge did nothing but sit on their ass. I feel being active on the server and forum is essential to creating and maintaining good community.

    At this point I have nothing left to prove, you are basically arguing with yourself, all the points you made in the first post have been nullified by the subsequent ones.

    - Crafty

  2. Note: mostly writing this for everyone else's benefit.

    @I_am_Zoom [redacted] has a better staff than this server's

    I wish that the server you mentioned handled hackers more like Craftymynes does. That server has a huge hacker problem. I submitted a report on a hacker from January 24th and it finally got answered today, almost 2 months later. What that means is the individual in question will be banned permanently starting today, after having almost two full months to make complete havoc on the server. That is, assuming they don't make an appeal. If they make an appeal they are likely to be granted some form of leniency. In fact, the the only reason they will be perma banned to begin with is because they were fly/movement hacking (on top of kill aura, etc.). For any other offence it would not be permanent. Most hacking offenses are 30 day bans, but can be as short as 24 hours. The other thing is that the server refuses to ip ban hackers at all. Ironically since you admit to using fly hacking you would have also been perma banned there too. The difference is that Craftymynes has one of the most effective mechanism to keep away the hackers and let people actually play fairly. The server you are refering to is essentially a hacker breeding ground, banning hackers would cut into their user base which would cut into their profits.

    @I_am_Zoom They don't even give people a 2nd chance!

    Actually you do have a way of getting a second chance, and that’s all I’m going to say on that. Hope to never see you on Minecraft.

    @I_am_Zoom People get banned for saying simple words.

    Craftymynes is exceptionally lenient on bad words.