I made some research in the old forum. The Strangers Company was created in June 2015 by @LordPanfer and @AlwaysDrunkPunk , our first roster went online a few days later. I'm pretty sure that we are by far the oldest faction that is still arround, even about 5 months older then the famous Red Army (even if its not arround any more). We had some pretty places back then, however the faction got pretty inactive. We returned in 1.9, creating and losing dozens of towns, growing and being betrayed over and over again until we kinda got our shit together, revamped our inner structures and became with 50+ players the by far largest crew arround. We also abandoned like 2-3 places on the current map, however our latest town is stable and growing nicely since a few months now.
We might be not that active in the forums lately, however the Company is still arround and alive