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This Proves my point!

  1. 6 years ago

    Nerdie Birdie just proved my point. He has went to Youtube and posted a video using my name without my permission talking all about what went down. This proves my point all he cares about is Youtube views. I kept this within Craftymynes I never went to Youtube I went to the forums. Feel free to comment. Admins DONT lock this thread. I don't fear what others might say Bring it on.

  2. @humfrydog Nerdie Birdie just proved my point. He has went to Youtube and posted a video using my name without my permission talking all about what went down. This proves my point all he cares about is Youtube views. I kept this within Craftymynes I never went to Youtube I went to the forums. Feel free to comment. Admins DONT lock this thread. I don't fear what others might say Bring it on.

    Please keep in mind he does this with everything, just look at his Oblivion video and Rybye videos and other videos where he mentions players/situations and talks about them. If something of importance happens you can expect him to do a video about it. Just because he does this does not mean he only cares about his views, he has a life outside of CM and MC just like you and me.

  3. Just making my point I kept it here not youtube, he wants to blast me on youtube that's fine, Noticed he never mentioned me when i built that base or thanked me on youtube. But he's more than willing to use me for ratings. It proves my point all he cares abouts is views on youtube. I reported him just to be inconvenent and irritate him.

  4. Edited 6 years ago by j____a____r____d

    Humfrydog has truly redpilled me on Nerdie's lies. This utterly exposes Nerdie's GREED for YouTube views and how he just HAD to publicize the drama to his viewers, which I bet only a small percentage even knew about anyways.

    He could've just responded on the forums alone about the "fake evidence" and left his viewerbase unaware, but no, he felt obligated to dramatize the whole thing for his channel, with clickbait thumbnail arrows directly pointing out himself as the "LEAKER!?" while Humfry stands on the side looking like a nefarious villain.

    Humfry is speaking nothing but TRUTH, friends. #ImWithHim

  5. Edited 6 years ago by j____a____r____d

    The drama exists because Humfry knows the truth about who leaked the coords. While everyone's whining about "fake evidence", he's doing the real work, like noticing that Nerdie capitalized on the drama for views just like how he capitalizes on leaking coords and blaming it on Team Eye.

    #StillWithHim #RedPilledForHumfry

  6. Considering @JuraraJupiter came out and said the evidence which he created was fake and showed how he made it I don't know why the legitimacy of the evidence is still a thing to you @deyahruhd. Also @NerdieBirdieYT is just doing his normal routine of posting videos about important events in the CM world. He "capitalized on the drama for views" because he's a YouTuber and that's what you do on YouTube. (Even though a random person could find this forum and discover the issue for themselves because this, like YouTube, is a public place) If you've been here for the last few months you would know he has been making videos on "drama" for a while now (Oblivion, Rybye, base attacks, Team Eye, etc.) yet none of you had a problem with it until his videos addressed you and you got your poor feelings hurt.

  7. @GrandpaCarl00 pls stay on topic here, don't devolve this into random nonsense
    and @deyahruhd is just trying to be a troll like always. He knows what's going on but is trying to get a reaction out of people. It's not a matter of legitimate truth, it's a matter of how many people he can make look stupid by responding to his nonsense. That's what they do.
    In other words, don't feed the trolls.
    Back on topic, just like @_Confederacy_ said, this forums is public, so chances are just as many people have seen this dispute in some form as there have been to see Nerdie's video, no offense Nerdie, but your channel and views are still very small.

  8. First, @NerdieBirdieYT

    @deyahruhd he felt obligated to dramatize the whole thing for his channel, with clickbait thumbnail arrows directly pointing out himself as the "LEAKER!?" while Humfry stands on the side looking like a nefarious villain.

    Despite this being a troll comment, I think you unintentionally hit a good point.

    Nerdie. You could have just made a thumbnail in usual style without making Humfry look like he was falsely accusing you (Literally pointing a finger... or blocky nub. You get the point). He legitimately thought he had proof of you saying you were faking stuff for views. Framing it, perhaps unintentionally, in an obviously biased way (Showing primarily negative comments and tone, implying that our skepticism is blaspheme. Perhaps not the intent, but that's how it came off) makes it seem he has a point. When you posted the video you DID know people were going to watch it for the drama, it's foolish to claim otherwise. You know that arrows, faces, and vibrant colours in thumbnails tend to give more views, because putting an arrow in 6/27 of your Craftymynes based videos would seem odd otherwise. Faces in all except 2 of your server based videos. And vibrant colours in all of your server based videos. Explosions tend to get more views, along with capitals too, Cliff hanger esque titles, large words. I could go on and on. I refuse to believe that all of this is coincidence.

    This is why stereotypes exist. They have basis in truth.

    I posted a video about the controversy, and that is all.

    If you would refrain from stereotyping me as a view-hungry YouTuber for no good reason

    Controversy gets more views.
    Every youtuber wants views, but those that hunt for views and to grow do the things I stated. I don't think there is anything wrong with this, but you can't say you aren't view hungry. Most Youtubers are.

    These videos and links DO brush on my points atleast once.

    Second, @humfrydog

    It is very petty of you to report his video. Nerdie did not violate any law or policy in U.S law or Youtube policies. Your evidence (atleast the first) is proven false, and the second remains unfalsifiable. Your point may stand, but your base argument is moot. I can say without a reasonable doubt that Nerdie did not leak his coords, with the evidence provided. It is inaccurate to say that Nerdie ONLY cares about views. You don't hold blame to the proof being false, HOWEVER, you do hold blame how you handled it after it was proven false. IMO you reaction shone you in a bad light.


    Conclusion / TLDR

    While Humfry has a point that Nerdie seeks to get views and grow through thumbnails, titles and the content within those 2, he is inaccurate about Nerdie only caring about views and is IMO petty for filing a privacy report which is false just to annoy him.


    Sorry Juju and Dawn <3

  9. @OtherGreenGamer

    First, @NerdieBirdieYT

    Despite this being a troll comment, I think you unintentionally hit a good point.

    Nerdie. You could have just made a thumbnail in usual style without making Humfry look like he was falsely accusing you (Literally pointing a finger... or blocky nub. You get the point). He legitimately thought he had proof of you saying you were faking stuff for views. Framing it, perhaps unintentionally, in an obviously biased way (Showing primarily negative comments and tone, implying that our skepticism is blaspheme. Perhaps not the intent, but that's how it came off) makes it seem he has a point. When you posted the video you DID know people were going to watch it for the drama, it's foolish to claim otherwise. You know that arrows, faces, and vibrant colours in thumbnails tend to give more views, because putting an arrow in 6/27 of your Craftymynes based videos would seem odd otherwise. Faces in all except 2 of your server based videos. And vibrant colours in all of your server based videos. Explosions tend to get more views, along with capitals too, Cliff hanger esque titles, large words. I could go on and on. I refuse to believe that all of this is coincidence.

    This is why stereotypes exist. They have basis in truth.

    Controversy gets more views.
    Every youtuber wants views, but those that hunt for views and to grow do the things I stated. I don't think there is anything wrong with this, but you can't say you aren't view hungry. Most Youtubers are.

    These videos and links DO brush on my points atleast once.

    Second, @humfrydog

    It is very petty of you to report his video. Nerdie did not violate any law or policy in U.S law or Youtube policies. Your evidence (atleast the first) is proven false, and the second remains unfalsifiable. Your point may stand, but your base argument is moot. I can say without a reasonable doubt that Nerdie did not leak his coords, with the evidence provided. It is inaccurate to say that Nerdie ONLY cares about views. You don't hold blame to the proof being false, HOWEVER, you do hold blame how you handled it after it was proven false. IMO you reaction shone you in a bad light.


    Conclusion / TLDR

    While Humfry has a point that Nerdie seeks to get views and grow through thumbnails, titles and the content within those 2, he is inaccurate about Nerdie only caring about views and is IMO petty for filing a privacy report which is false just to annoy him.


    Sorry Juju and Dawn <3


    Of course I use vibrant colors and such. It's what works on YouTube. Why wouldn't I? Every YouTuber wants views, just as every author wants their books read, and every show producer wants people to see it, and every toy maker wants their toys to sell well. There's nothing wrong with that.

    Humfry DID accuse me, falsely or not, and that's all I was pointing out. An accusation was made. That's what the thumbnail represents.

    Again, lots of you are making this way bigger than it should be. Drama happened on the forums. I, as a YouTuber, made a video simulating it. I blamed no one. I harassed no one. So stop taking this wildly out of proportion and making either humfry or myself to be a villain.