Baseball Season Starts Soon...

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 8 years ago

    Sports are nice

  3. Edited 8 years ago by argonFiles

    youre nice too

    i dont like sports

  4. Lol thanks
    But why not?

  5. idk watching baseball seems lame, same with playing it, but its popularity probably varies from country to country.

  6. @Dice_Boken I feel sorry for you. People that can't enjoy baseball are missing out.

    Dayton Dragons?

    lol baseball

  7. Look out people, 2016 is our year.


  8. I prefer soccer over baseball tbh though :P

  9. outshOtz

    30 Mar 2016 Suspended


  10. @CodyJProductions Look out people, 2016 is our year.


    It's good to have high hopes but the Red Sox are going to struggle this year mightily. Especially with Toronto being as good as it is.

  11. @Dice_Boken It's good to have high hopes but the Red Sox are going to struggle this year mightily. Especially with Toronto being as good as it is.

    I would disagree, a lot of our unheard of young players have stupid high amounts of potential, and our pitching staff had a big upgrade. After watching 2012-2013 happen, I have no doubts that we'll be able to turn around once again.

  12. @CodyJProductions I would disagree, a lot of our unheard of young players have stupid high amounts of potential, and our pitching staff had a big upgrade. After watching 2012-2013 happen, I have no doubts that we'll be able to turn around once again.

    You never know, it might happen. But like I said you will have to beat a tough Toronto team and a stacked Yankees bullpen to reach the postseason.

  13. Soccer's nice, but why baseball over football???
    I mean come on!?!?

  14. I love football, I'm a die hard Cowboys fan and I played little league as a kid. Growing up football was my favorite sport and baseball was number 2. It wasn't until I say and began to watch, and learned more about baseball's rich history and the nuances and intricacies of the game that I realized just how awesome baseball is. It's more than just a game too. I can and do watch documentaries about baseball and love looking at stats and records. There's no other sport like it, nothing even comes close. I've said it before, you get me talking about football and I can carry on an enlightening conversation. Get me talking about baseball and I can talk for hours. No offense to football fans.

  15. what even

  16. soccer is a bigger and better sport.

  17. @Dice_Boken COWBOYS?? ravens >:)

  18. My favorite moment watching baseball. Still gives me goosebumps.

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