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100million ticks giveaway

  1. 6 years ago
    Edited 6 years ago by javonjw

    At my 100 million ticks mark i will be giving away My everyday load out / gear named sword pick axe food pots chest gold apples . I will give it to who you all think should receive it just type in the name of the person in the post they must be a active player and don't say yourself or any of your alts. I rather this be someone who really needs the gear and will wear it and use it
    Also i will be giving away a stack worth of diamond blocks at spawn. This is kinda like a restart for me i will keep my home set but i will start off from spawn mining and stuff until i build myself up again from the ground up before i go back home i will vote before my journey and the food i get from voting will be the only thing i take to the wild with me.

  2. That's 57 days of playing nonstop. Wow