Harvestar's Flamingo Scavenger Hunt

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by RockinRicky2



    The Blue Flamingo has been spotted again in around -15000/-14000. Bird spotters suggest that it might have a little bit better loot than the last time!

    #4 for me

  3. @RockinRicky2 -image-
    #4 for me

    Confirmed, but the Blue flamingo is still out there!

  4. Edited 7 years ago by Cileklim

    Hint time!

    Flamingo chicks are born with grey and white feathers. They do not turn pink for a year or two. Their beaks are straight, and begin to curve as they grow and mature.

    A mother flamingo with her chicks has been spotted! Bird spotters couldn't get near them as the mother was very protective of her childs. They were last seen in X: -10000 Y: ?

    The hunter to find these flamingos will get triple the loot and will get to claim 3 flamingos at once! Good luck, hunters. This time, you will need it.

    Update: Upon further discussion, we decided to discard this hint as it was too OP for the competition. We aim this event to be as fair as possible. Also, for all hunters that spent time trying to find these ones, we decided to give 10 more hours to everyone!

    The event will end in January 18, 10:00AM. You have 13 hours to find them all!

  5. Edited 7 years ago by Cileklim

    Last hint!

    Guys they are everywhere even in Nether and Spawn just go find them lol

  6. @Cileklim

    Last hint!

    Guys they are everywhere even in Nether and Spawn just go find them lol

    Uhh, didn't it end?

  7. @TimmyBoyT Uhh, didn't it end?

    I thought so too..?

  8. @Aslarina500 I thought so too..?

    The post 13 hours ago that said 13 hours remaining is what tipped me off.

  9. Edited 7 years ago by Aslarina500

    Im at work anyway so challenge over for me.

    Like to say thanks to the team that put up this challenge! I had a load of fun in minecraft again! Now I need to build bridges with the misses who didn’t get any attention over the past few days xD

  10. Yeah

    @Aslarina500 Im at work anyway so challenge over for me.

    Like to say thanks to the team that put up this challenge! I had a load of fun in minecraft again! Now I need to build bridges with the misses who didn’t get any attention over the past few days xD

    Same here I haven't been able to play because of life... was just checking to see if I won. I found 5 so I think I'm at least in the running! =)

    Either way this was a terrific idea and I enjoyed it. Thanks for the hard work. I don't even see how they pulled it off the be honest, 200 flamingos? Amazing!

    I'm thinking about doing something similar in the future, but doubt it will be on the same scale.

  11. Edited 7 years ago by Cileklim


    Harvestar's Flamingo Scavenger Hunt has ended!

    Thanks to everyone who participated! We had a lot of fun preparing this event and we hope that all participants enjoyed it as much as we did. We plan on making an even better event in the next few months so stay tuned!

    To celebrate the ending of this event, we placed The Mother Flamingo in exactly -10700/-10700. All players that send a screenshot of it to me will get a special prize in the giveaway we plan to make tomorrow.

    Winners of the grand prizes will be announced in a few days as we need to check all screenshots and re-confirm all claims.

    In 3.5 days, 122 flamingos were found and 78 flamingos remain to be free.


    List of all players that participated in The Flamingo Scavenger Hunt

    • Anialis
    • Argail
    • Aslarina500
    • CitrineYT
    • DDLachey4833
    • Dennari43
    • Gurifisu
    • HeroBryan13
    • LightYagami_1
    • LillieMC
    • MaggiAusDaKann
    • NerdieBirdieYT
    • RockinRicky2
    • Shiba_Ina
    • Sirchristopher10
    • Teknomancer
    • Tez1010
    • TimmyboyT
    • TomTom900
    • Urid
    • alarmgv12
    • ballroc
    • kinkyboss
    • popu037
    • rad1gator
    • russiangirl504
    • Sirchristopher10
  12. Edited 7 years ago by Aslarina500


  13. Still some decent loot to be found =)

  14. Also found this beast! It may be newly constructed there was still some scaffolding which i removed. No treasure found. Left it as is.

  15. Edited 7 years ago by Cileklim

    Giveaway postponed to tomorrow due to low player count

  16. -image-

    Still had loot in all three chests. Nobody else got here first? Hard to believe that .

  17. -image-

  18. In case you wanted to see the coords on screen....

  19. Winners of the Grand Prizes


    Aslarina500: 11 Flamingos


    Teknomancer: 10 Flamingos


    MaggiAusDaKann: 9 Flamingos

    Consolation Prize:

    Argail: 6 Flamingos

    Congrats to all winners! Please pick up your prizes from me whenever possible.

  20. Edited 7 years ago by Cileklim

    RockinRicky2, alarmgv12, TimmyBoyT and DDLachey4833. Please pick up your special prizes from me whenever possible.

  21. Looks like someone almost got to this one!

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