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A Modest Proposal

  1. 5 years ago
    Edited 5 years ago by SharpSerac

    @NerdieBirdieYT I really think that eating children is a better modest proposal

    nerdie endorses cannibalism

    @MasaruCyri Meanwhile, Sharp and his alt (and the rest of Team Eye) could learn the ways of not destroying other people's buildings. That way the server would be more active than it is now. I personally don't see the fun in what you guys do, and when I was on last, there were barely anyone on. Maybe this "renovation service" is the cause of it? Could you guys seriously think about what you're doing and how it's affecting the server? If you respond to this, and I know you will, I would please ask you to answer with zero snark and some seriousness. All I want is a discussion, no one here needs to get heated. Play nice for a bit, please?

    just because you can't see the fun in something doesn't mean it isn't fun. newsflash: the world doesn't conform to your views. that's something best learned early on in life, bucko.

    we are free to do whatever we want within the rules of the server, and this is what we do. we enjoy doing it, and we're not going to stop doing it. people join a raiding/griefing server and then complain about getting raided/griefed that's a fucking OMEGALUL if i've ever seen one before.

    snark is fun, so you're getting snark, buckaroo.

    @NerdieBirdieYT Unfortunately some people take a lot longer to mature than others. Some never do. Not that griefing in itself is immature, but don't expect any peaceful, legitimate discussions here.

    Sorry to see the Harvestar base go, those statues are a beauty! Best of luck as you all move forward.

    you know it's actually quite funny, i've had legitimate, peaceful discussions with some of nerdnation's members (and a good amount of general craftymynes' players). not just about minecraft, but about life in general as well. they have all said something along the lines of "wow, i didn't know you were just a normal guy." it's funny to see the twisted and warped view someone has on you when they haven't really and truly interacted personally with you. you seem to have fallen victim to that same mentality, nerdie. i openly invite you to dm me sometime on discord (if you don't have me blocked, that is), we can talk and just have a normal discussion about life and whatever goes on inside it, and i can guarantee you i'm not the kind of person you make me out to be

  2. @FlashFood I have it on good authority they didn't get to this location on their own, someone tpa'd them in.

    That being said the "scout's honor" part is pretty much thrown out the window, even before this point was made. Everyone should know they'll just grief it irregardless. Hopefully someone can record the base to preserve it. Friend and Eberk ya'll are still fantastic builders

    that's where you're wrong, bucko. if you think we can't hold back on griefing something then you're just as bad as the other people who have entirely warped views on us (the people who don't talk to us like we're normal people)

  3. @SharpSerac if you think we can't hold back on griefing something then you're just as bad as the other people who have entirely warped views on us

    Can confirm, before we were ever really friends, I dropped them my base coords and when I came back over a year and a half later the worse they did was put a sign that said "grandma's milk and cookies"