Title of the thread: Aeristacho Ban Appeal
In Game Name: Aeristacho
Reason for your ban: Chat Violation
Why should you be unbanned: Im aware of a few of my warnings for chat violations but I'm not aware of my ban reason. Don't remember talking much this morning so cant have been today I figure. Would be nice to know!
I understand some of the things I say are pressing hard on the boundaries of chat rules but I will assume that the reason for my ban was ridiculing another 17 y/o player which I understand wasn't called for. Its sometimes difficult divide the lines of play trash talking and actual trash talking and what I tend to say blends in well between these two. It wasnt a sincere heart felt confrontation. I see why its a negative thing to do, just casually playing and a tryhard mixing things up. My Bad. Ill try harder to not make what I say so confrontational or inappropriate.