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Self Challenge Phase II: 25* Million or Bust

  1. 4 years ago

    Another million ticks in the bag, still truckin'

    Thought I'd share a few funny moments from along the way, starting with the only oops moment I've had recently: enderpearling straight into a pigman and ending up like this...

    Spent almost half an hour trying to get a zombie to punch a villager so I could cure it and reduce the trade prices, Nothing would work, even went so far as to get both of them in a boat, and waited...and waited...
    Eventually i got it to work (without the boat) but it was a process to get there. I know those in chat with me had a laugh at my expense ;)

    And this just happened today, I was filling in some blocks under a layer of glass when I noticed this fella tracking me and following where I went. Kinda reminded me of putting food on top of a glass table and watching the dog try to eat it through the glass. Wait.. that means i would be the dog? And the creeper would be the....ummm...nevermind, I still thought it was funny though.

    Oh! I almost forgot. I had an idea today to take the challenge to the next level and involve all of you directly as well. I still have some details to work out, but I'm hoping it will be a fun event we can do a couple times before I get to 20 million..assuming I don't die the first time I attempt it. So I'll just leave you all in suspense for right now......

  2. Sooooo....a thing happened....

    My name changed color...again....

    I guess this means @Naidae is off the hook....again...

    What a crazy day this has been! I don't even have any screenshots, I spent most of the day trying to keep up with everything going on! My staff application was approved, I tortured @GibsonAxe while he tried to teach me all my new responsibilities (I think he's gonna call me Roynub from now on), I toured a base, I gave a tour of my bases, and had a rousing chat with admins in discord. Had a couple surprising and deep conversations today as well, and I thank both of you for having them. (I'm sure you guys know who you are.) Oh, and I did my first cleaning duty, of course. I don't even know what my ticks are at. Right now I don't care, I'm just gonna ride this train to bed.

    I do have a bit of a conundrum I need to figure out and I'm going to leave it to you guys to decide what to do. While I'm cleaning spawn I have access to effects that basically let me cheat ticks during the challenge, as it makes me near to impossible to kill. I figure I can do one of three things:

    1. Just ignore the fact that it's cheating and use the effects while I clean.

    2. Stay true to the challenge and not use the effects while I clean.

    3. Use the effects while I clean, but add another 5 Million ticks to the challenge to compensate.

    Let me know what you all think I should do, and whichever option gets the most nods is what I'll stick with until the end of the challenge!