What have you been up to?

  1. 8 years ago

    I don't know what you guys have been up to but I would like to share something that I have been doing in the background for a while:


    It may not be the best coding in the world but I think it's pretty cool.

    All the bans are synced between all our servers utilizing a centralized database and event driven ban collector.

    This webpage processes the results and caches them for 10 minutes, it has its own api for accessing recent bans, ban stats, looking up bans (reason, person who banned, time, server, etc.) it's even able to ban and pardon players.

    I soon hope to move the database to the new server and separate it from the forum, then I want to add all login and chat messages to the database, making it easy to search for lost homes and track players chat infractions.

    So I ask... "What have you been up to?"

    - Crafty

  2. That's a lot of bans lol

  3. Yes, Yes it is...

  4. I think one of the most interesting things about this stats page is the fact you can see when a new hacked client comes out, or minecraft updates and breaks them all. Also, summertime and weekends are also visible.

  5. Haha. That's good. Weekends and summertime will always be busy with so many people on.

  6. Still getting over the ending of Batman V Superman.

  7. Damn, that's a lot of bans... O_o

  8. Deleted 8 years ago by r4iscool1
  9. Its the holidays so I'm grinding the new destiny update.

  10. Broken foot since Sunday

  11. By the way crafty that's pretty neat

  12. Preparing for the end of the year test. It starts next week or so and is going to suck because the stupid Board of Education completely overhauled the test and meant for it to be taken on computer, (But TN Government can't manage a server), and so we are taking it on paper. Life :)

  13. Deleted 3 years ago by Mabzino
  14. eating breakfast at 5pm while drawing a tree for comms
    It's a pretty tree ok (im slightly proud sh)
    but ye a family member healed after heart surgery birthday tomorrow fam wants to celebrate with me
    I just want a bag of trolli gummies and cm for tomorrow lmao
    and I want to smack my ocd into oblivion rn thts about it

  15. I've been playing CS:GO...

    Too much CS:GO

  16. If you're friends with @CodyJProductions on Steam, you know he's not lying. xD

  17. outside work
    got lots of bilsters
    but it's worth it

  18. Building a 3x4 tunnel around 15,000 blocks long. I question my sanity.
    Thanks Crafty, for a great server.

  19. 180,000 blocks, gg.

    On an old server I used to play on, we made a 200x200x25 hole, I shared that digging with a friend, here's a pic on my stats:


  20. funny how much less jail kills makes me assuming that there is a much lower number in hackers

  21. Newer ›

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