Most XP Levels

  1. 8 years ago

    ...on Crafty Mynes 1.9
    Managed not to die for a while and did not get around to any enchanting...sure some one can do better.

  2. -image-

  3. Impressive Cellexya...that will take some beating.

  4. its hard to beat any of you when I keep dying to improve my death counter

  5. Edited 8 years ago by _Drachenzorn_

    I thought I tried reaching max level but apparently its not. I keep gaining exp. Well its still a good number.

  6. Unless it's changed in the server settings, the maximum level is 21863.

  7. @neonjews how many xp orbs is that (kinda how if you use a command to give 100 it will only be a level or 2)

  8. I suspect it is 2^31-1 or something like that

    • Maximum experience value can be gained by /xp command is 2147483648 (which is 2^31. Likely a limitation due to the 32 bit nature of Minecraft.)
    • Maximum value for one orb used by /summon is 1277951
    • Maximum level of XP you can get legitimately is 21863, but you can get up to 2147483647 using commands, in this case the experience bar may disappear and reappear.
  9. BTW, you can make a list by doing "-", a space and then the content

  10. Edited 8 years ago by pixelchief


    Killed by a Creeper shortly after this portrait was taken.

  11. Ouch...probably needed a little break after that. Nice levels.

  12. 7 years ago

    This only took me about 20 minutes at an end farm.. I could do way better but it gets boring xD

  13. @Jfin123

    This only took me about 20 minutes at an end farm.. I could do way better but it gets boring xD

    ^ heres the direct picture for those who hate links like me.

  14. oh xD thanks @FishW

  15. Glad to see people having fun with our end grinder. Hope you guys could help us do repairs and enhance the anti-grief protection of the farm.
    Enjoy~ :D



    i hope the caps rule doesn't apply to the forum lol

  17. Whats Drachenzorn texture pack?

  18. Edited 7 years ago by _Haxington_

    This took me forever...

  19. @_Haxington_ there's no way that screen shot was taken on craftymynes. There's just no way. Impossible!

  20. Newer ›

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