TeamEye Apllication for 1.16 reset!

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 4 years ago
    Deleted 4 years ago by TueJei
  3. Deleted 4 years ago by onionpaste
  4. IGN: Kelvinke

    Age: 19

    1 Do you have Discord and a functioning mic?: Yes

    2 When did you first join CraftyMynes?: 1.13 Update

    3 What is your tick count?: 24190656

    4 How experienced are you in PVP?: Yes

    5 How do you like to play the game?: Redstone, building, crafting mass items, farms, withers, PVP.

    6 Tell us about the team eye members (anything you already know, or general information about hobbies, etc.): I love iwarriiori

    7 Why do you want to join?: I've been a big fan of TeamEye and want to contribute something to it.

    8 What skills do you bring to the table?: Redstone, building, crafting mass items, farms, withers, PVP.

    9 On a scale of 1 to 10, how well do you think Team Eye curb stomps the server? And what do you think you have that can bring that number up?: Off the chart, I will provide mass items of whatever to the team.

    10 Do you have any affiliation with other factions?: No.

  5. IGN: Loodledeedoo

    Age: 17

    When did you first join CraftyMynes?: year ago.

    What is your tick count?: 24 mil.

    How experienced are you in PVP?: better than cankicker8.

    How do you like to play the game?: i like to build, pvp, and enjoy the player interaction.

    Tell us about yourself (anything you'd like us to know, or general information about hobbies etc.): loggers aren't poggers. ;-)
    Why do you want to join?: i enjoy the players in this faction and the way it works.

    What skills do you bring to the table?: building, gathering resources, pvp.

    You may also comment below if you have questions about the application or the faction. no.

  6. Edited 4 years ago by j____a____r____d



  7. gottem

  8. IGN: iiTzzJojooo

    Age: 20, nearly 21;)

    1 Do you have Discord and a functioning mic?: ofc

    2 When did you first join CraftyMynes?: like early 2016
    3 What is your tick count?: idk

    4 How experienced are you in PVP?: you could say experienced or the best ill leave that up to you

    5 How do you like to play the game?: i like to play minecraft because i am pro mineman and OG

    6 Tell us about the team eye members (anything you already know, or general information about hobbies, etc.): where to start, the notorious TEAM EYE, 2016 everyone feared them the best faction to grace craftymynes, best pvpers and the most skilled on the server NO CAP, my cap is legit off. only ogs remember the true team eye for what they are, legends and handsome devils.

    7 Why do you want to join?: idk most of them are the only guys i remember from og days

    8 What skills do you bring to the table?: everything no cap

    9 On a scale of 1 to 10, how well do you think Team Eye curb stomps the server? And what do you think you have that can bring that number up?: 69/10 id bring that number up to atleast 72 tho, guarenteed my skills are off the chart

    10 Do you have any affiliation with other factions?: nah they dont deserve me all hail the king

  9. il consider myself accepted, i welcome myself aboard!

  10. 3 years ago
    Edited 3 years ago by Lord__Erik

    Minecraft username: Lord__Erik

    Age: X

    1 Do you have Discord and a functioning mic?: Yes

    2 When did you first join CraftyMynes?: Today.

    3 What is your tick count?: 211k

    4 How experienced are you in PVP?: I play minecraft since the horse update (1.6) so yea I am pretty skilled.

    5 How do you like to play the game?: I like to use creative ways to raid and get rich.

    6 Tell us about yourself (anything you'd like us to know, or general information about hobbies etc.): I am scientifically proven highly intelligent, so I am very good with coming up with solutions for difficulties we may face as TeamEye.

    7 Why do you want to join?: I like to work in a team so I can put my individual skills to better use.

    8 What skills do you bring to the table?: Insane amounts of creativity and ingenuity.

    9 On a scale of 1 to 10, how well do you think Team Eye curb stomps the server? And what do you think you have that can bring that number up?: I've not been around long enough to tell, but adding me to the team would bring it up ;)

    10 Do you have any affiliation with other factions?: I don't.

    You may also comment below if you have questions about the application or the faction.

    "Weddings are just funerals with cake" ~Rick Sanchez

  11. 1: yes but dosnt talk very often
    2: 1.13 update
    3: 3254182
    4: i would say that im decent
    5: pretty casual but if there is a fight im ready
    6: im a funny person
    7: it could be fun to be in a big team that hunt the other player
    8: little bit of building skill and decent pvp skills
    9: 10
    10: no

  12. IGN: Nerolito

    Age: 26

    When did you first join CraftyMynes?: Maybe 2 years ago.

    What is your tick count?: 83 mil.

    How experienced are you in PVP?: Really experienced, I die all the time.

    How do you like to play the game?: I build and sort stuff and keep the base clean and tidy.

    Tell us about yourself (anything you'd like us to know, or general information about hobbies etc.): Soccer, minecraft, gym, watching tv, being a swedish person.

    Why do you want to join?: iwarriiori wants me to so i have to.

    What skills do you bring to the table?: building, gathering resources, sorting the base, cleaning after everyone else.

  13. Why are you guys posting in a thread that ceases to exist? The 1.16 update had already come to fruition

  14. They didnt make a new thread so we have to sigh

  15. @Nerolito IGN: Nerolito

    Age: 26

    When did you first join CraftyMynes?: Maybe 2 years ago.

    What is your tick count?: 83 mil.

    How experienced are you in PVP?: Really experienced, I die all the time.

    How do you like to play the game?: I build and sort stuff and keep the base clean and tidy.

    Tell us about yourself (anything you'd like us to know, or general information about hobbies etc.): Soccer, minecraft, gym, watching tv, being a swedish person.

    Why do you want to join?: iwarriiori wants me to so i have to.

    What skills do you bring to the table?: building, gathering resources, sorting the base, cleaning after everyone else.

    under review

  16. Do it faster!

  17. i'm hired!

  18. Work it harder

  19. so slow at processing

  20. Do it faster

  21. Minecraft username: CMayhew20

    Age: unknown

    1 Do you have Discord and a functioning mic?: Yes

    2 When did you first join CraftyMynes?: 1.17 update.

    3 What is your tick count?: i dont know

    4 How experienced are you in PVP?: no very good, but i am willing to practice

    5 How do you like to play the game?: mining, and gathering resorces / exploring

    6 Tell us about yourself (anything you'd like us to know, or general information about hobbies etc.): like cats

    7 Why do you want to join?: want to join a group

    8 What skills do you bring to the table?: resourse gathering

    9 On a scale of 1 to 10, how well do you think Team Eye curb stomps the server? And what do you think you have that can bring that number up?: 11.

    10 Do you have any affiliation with other factions?: No

    You may also comment below if you have questions about the application or the faction.

    Would greatly enjoy joining your group

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