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  1. 6 years ago
    Tue Aug 15 00:03:08 2017

    This post stopped my art because its so fired up idk why im laughing
    21 people rn viewing this shit

  2. Sun Aug 13 16:13:10 2017
    Pimpcy posted in Map Art.


  3. Sat Aug 12 14:47:55 2017
    Pimpcy posted in Map Reset.

    Resetting would kill my motivation personally it feels too early to just swipe it out. They had that chance back in the 1.12 update and they did it partially
    Might end up losing or jabbing at loyal players who were against it last time too it's supposed to be rare for a reason or it's supposed to be saved for a huge update when it's necessary. I wouldn't reset it specifically for the temples and cities case.

  4. Thu Aug 3 22:55:47 2017

    Lol no was just talking about making your own textures no interest in copying ur style :P
    Looks amazing though!

    If I wanted to make my own, Zelda themes would def be ensued.

  5. Thu Aug 3 22:36:34 2017

    This inspires me so much

  6. Mon Jul 24 05:06:51 2017
    Pimpcy posted in Nerdnation: Applications.

    IGN: Pimpcy

    Age/Maturity: 22 years

    Discord: Pimpcy #7654

    Approximate Time on CM: Around 3 years

    About Me:
    Likes: Cats, herbal tea, ZELDA, the color pink, drawing, Minecraft, Candy, sushi, Birbs, PimpJuice!
    Dislikes: Spicy food, overflowing water, jump scares.

    Former Factions: 0 now rip

    Why Join NN? I always enjoy watching your series I find it super cute tbh and the faction seems fun too. I enjoy seeing all the commotion going on with this faction, the Members seem friendly, like a group I can talk to and be myself around <3

    Why Should You Be Accepted? I'm a slight bit inactive yet I pop on when needed easily, I also want a group of faction friends again cause I've been feeling a bit left out this summer. I'm like the glue that sticks a group together in a way I enjoy keeping the fun going ;P. I'm a builder I love creating yet my art seems more strong than building skills, I'm pretty knowledgeable since I'm one of the players who watched this server grow and develop with time.

    Other: birbs are cute

  7. Fri Jul 21 21:08:35 2017

    In a lot of ways he's more advanced than me actually especially with the realism and train station.
    Yet some people can have the most simple art style and still wow a crowd, I've seen it happen lmao
    It's just what u do with your style I guess. One of my weaknesses is I have to have certain emotion put into my art otherwise it won't look as well.

    @Carl_Sagan1 link text
    Some of my works :3

    That website to display art also is catching my interest tbh never heard of it

  8. Thu Jul 20 18:57:28 2017

    squeeee!! Thanks u Andureil! Just made my morning!
    Congratz to the others!! We're rad asf ♥

  9. Tue Jul 18 03:07:39 2017

    Love you <3

  10. Tue Jul 18 02:44:40 2017

    BenjoBanjo7 was super friendly and the community actually loved him and his kindness
    He just hacked once or twice and is now suspended on forums for lingering too much I think.

    It's a bit narrow minded to assume everyone hacks to be an ass. It would make more sense dissecting and correlating the minds of toxic trolls specifically and I'm not talking about the jokesters or obvious bratty teens. I think i read a study about most Internet trolls being narcissists, psychopaths, or even sadistic.
    Those people you feel that push a it a bit too far when harassing someone.

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