
Last active 6 years ago

  1. 7 years ago
    Sun Dec 18 01:25:47 2016
    Kinkybobo posted in HardCore Reset Challenge?.

    I was never a part of the competition, but im over 2 million and still goin strong!


  2. Fri Dec 16 18:17:04 2016
    Kinkybobo posted in craftymynes T shirts and hoodies.

    Id pay upwards of $75 bucks for a hoodie with a golden Kinkybobo Ign on the back, id also be able to advertise IRL, this totally needs to happen

  3. Fri Dec 16 18:04:50 2016

    Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too expensive, db are rarer than they used to be lol

  4. Fri Dec 16 17:59:35 2016
    Kinkybobo posted in Voting Damage.

    @BaronBattleBread how have you not tested this yet, killing players with firework explosions is a very Baron like thing to do lol

  5. Sun Dec 11 07:46:00 2016
    Kinkybobo posted in My quest is over..

    gonna hollow the crap out of it =P itll be gorgeous

  6. Sun Dec 11 07:44:57 2016
    Kinkybobo posted in Iwarriiori didn't believe me..

    admin confirmation should be good enough. I rest my case =P

  7. Sun Dec 11 04:46:41 2016
    Kinkybobo started the conversation Iwarriiori didn't believe me..

    @iwarriiori didn't believe me when I said i found a zombie spawner and a skeleton spawner within 100 blocks of each other in a mesa gold mine. Deal with it.

    The base I literally just found on the server and my current inventory for reference:



    skelly spawner down the way in the very clear mesa gold mine, note the gold down the left hall and the fact that the mineshaft is above ground and you can see daylight down the right hall.


    close up just so you can clearly see its a skelly spawner


    zombie spawner less than 100 blocks away in the same shaft, along with a spider spawner down the other hall, note I have the same inventory.


  8. Sun Dec 11 03:43:40 2016
    Kinkybobo started the conversation My quest is over..

    I'm picky about where I set up in Minecraft, always have been. When the 1.9 map went live I was determined to find a Mega Taiga to call my home. I loved the biome when I saw it for the very first time during my brief stay on the 1.8 map, and knew once a reset was announced that would be my goal... 60,000+ blocks of travel later I still hadn't found one... but I ran into a Mycelium Island surrounded by no less than 5 Ocean monuments within a 1000 block radius and I knew that it was meant to be. While it wasn't what I was looking for I knew it was Prime real estate that I'd be a fool to pass up, and I ended up loving every moment I spent on that island.

    For the 1.11 map I thought I would do the same, I voted a few times, got some food, gathered some early essentials, and set out to find another Mushroom island. 2 weeks of searching later, my internet being down for half of that time because my ISP's customer service is crap, and nearly 90,000 blocks of overworld travel later, there was not a block of mycelium to be found... but then my boat ran upon an island shore the likes of which I'd never seen before... I stared above at the mountain that pierced the heavens, and the mysterious canyon that lay ahead of me, and I just knew.

    This is home.


    Two villages, an Ocean Monument, and a jungle one island over... Minecraft is mysterious, everytime I try to look for something specific I just get slapped in the face. MC keeps trying to tell me things and it takes me forever to listen. It wasn't what I was looking for at all but I just know this place is gonna be awesome.

  9. Thu Nov 24 17:27:12 2016
    Kinkybobo posted in An Important Announcement....


  10. Mon Nov 21 00:07:31 2016

    Just reiterating, I'm fine with a reset, even excited at the prospect of starting over. But a reset actuates every other issue that Crafty has a problem with, such as players losing items from craftycrates that they paid real money for like spawn eggs. In the associated threads for those issues, the trend has been against removing those things and a map reset not only does that but more... I feel like Crafty is looking for alternate solutions, im just throwing ideas out there

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