
Last active 7 years ago

  1. 8 years ago
    Thu Mar 24 20:41:19 2016

    Mud Clutch

    I was thinking Nub iclutchHD

  2. Wed Mar 23 19:06:21 2016
    JustADork posted in Soviet's Staff Complaint.

    Dammit Soviet! I was so ready to write another one of my big essay/responses at the sight of this title, too bad all I can do is laugh.

  3. Sun Mar 20 02:12:43 2016
    JustADork posted in Dannysharks Overeacting.

    @Sub "Mah feerrings had been hurd dogdangnit" Seriously was this entire post a hit piece against Danny? With zero evidence? It's not even that you're facing a biased opposition. You're just stupid thinking "hurr derr, Imma make this poooost going BLLEEHEHEHEHEHEHEWHWW" is a great way to point out whatever Danny did?

    Exactly. Assertions for dayyys. This must be Oolfa's motivation every morning.

    It's too bad Plankton never taught Spongebob "citation needed!"

  4. Sun Mar 20 01:59:52 2016
    JustADork posted in Dannysharks Overeacting.

    *Cracks Knuckles*

    Let's write. Sorry if stuff has been said before, this took me a small while.

    But as we all know Danny has been promoted to helper a month or two back.

    And rightfully fucking so, huh mate?
    Anyway, let's carry on.

    Danny uses his position as staff to shut people up and threatening in the name of staff even tho sometimes they break no rules.

    Danny often responds to chat when controversy comes up, which is perfectly fine. A player does not have to break a given rule, they just have to be causing havoc in chat. Insert said rule:

    Staff reserve the right to make changes to the rules to cover these holes in order to keep the server a safe friendly place.

    Every single time I've seen Danny attempt to stop something, it's been very rightfully so. Whether or not it has to do with him is never a factor as I see it.

    And most of the times Danny turns the situation into his favor and call it an "argument" at which point his other helper friends or staff jump in and threaten the player/ players.

    Maybe his other "helper friends or staff" (helper friends are staff might I note) are jumping on his bandwagon are doing it because he's correct. I've noticed Cody trying to stop similar said arguments to Danny and having the same backup. Where's the hate towards him? You seem to be writing this with tunnel vision.

    Danny is the only helper that is generating these sorts of situations.

    "Danny is the only helper that has harmed me in any way." - Please make that edit, it seems to fit the situation. Staff try to stop these kinds of things all the time. I would go look in my logs but I'm afraid this thread will be closed too soon for me to do so.

    Please note that i will have proof uploaded soon to back up my observations.

    Again, I will look into my logs to disprove said accusations later IF the thread remains unlocked.

    So for example, i have been a victim and a few other players who themselves will have to vouch on their behalf.

    "I have been a victim an a few other players who have also been harmed in game by Danny and have high blood sodium levels as well"

    His response is very edgy and he demands that i stop talking or else if i continue "arguing" about the problem i will get consequences.

    Mr. Smurf, there is a large difference between "edgy" and being strict and stern with someone. You clearly display lacking judgement.

    So my conclusion is that, whenever Danny is upset or annoyed he wants everyone to shut up.

    Ok, the way I see it you are having tunnel vision. Danny probably did whatever he would do any other time, however this time he was trying to get you to stop arguing about the topic pertaining to him. You can easily frame him by cherrypicking logs, however I could find some logs of other staff members saying very similar things and players having no issue with it.

    Danny should be demoted and learn from the other helpers for a while and maybe take a different approach when moderating the chat.

    Danny is a great helper, who in my opinion needs a promotion for his effort and devotion to the server. Maybe, just maybe you should butt your damn head out of staff and stop spite-complaining because you were a "victim" of a staff member telling you firmly to stop an argument that just so happened to be about them.

    Comment if u were a victim to this. and provide example.

    "Please like, subscribe and comment if you found this video relatable af"

    @iiTzzJojooo - I would just like to point out that helpers are supposed to help players not make their minecraft experience Hell.

    I'm sure it's been said many a time before, but helpers are just allowed to PVP, raid and grief just as much as you are.

    i cant talk to people who are friends of danny's cuz they ill have a biased reflection

    I bet you that if you came to an admin with a real issue about Danny, and provided legit and valid proof pertaining to the issue, it would be dealt with accordingly. But since you don't, it can't be proven.

    Danny also threatened me that if i say another word i will have consequences and to bring it to forums.

    @JustADork - And rightfully fucking so, huh mate?

    Danny was "threatening" you because you were being asked to stop by staff, and you were very obviously not. He was simply doing his job as a helper, but again, because it was directed at you and was pertaining to him, you're all up in arms about it.

    Sorry this probably wasn't exactly the best counter post I've had, but I was rushing in fear of the thread being locked. I hope you can see my point, and get past this time wasting issue.

  5. Fri Mar 18 01:21:36 2016

    @Oolfa @Sub what's ur ign ?

    @Sub why?

    He's obviously curious, I'm interested at why you don't want to answer. That's a piece of information that's usually given out at registering for the forum, why are you hiding it?

    I'm not attacking you, I'm just curious.

  6. Fri Mar 18 01:19:12 2016

    @sovietsuperman In minecraft You pvp log

    In Soviet Russia, Log pvp you


  7. Thu Mar 17 21:56:51 2016

    @Dannysharks Its a choice, as everything on this server is ^~^

    *Cough* Besides following the rules *cough*

    You gotta do that.

  8. Thu Mar 17 21:48:04 2016

    @tsu PvP logging is cheap don't do it:)

    It is cheap, and I still personally frown upon it, however I stand with with my idea that a player has the right to leave the server whenever he or she wants to and under any circumstance.

  9. Thu Mar 17 21:16:32 2016

    Oh boy, so much to tackle. Here goes.

    So I went to the end to hunt down some full diamond players (Danny, Itsjojo, and Jack), and they would either just log or run back to spawn, repeatedly.

    They wanted nothing to do with you, so they went back to their only safe spot, which was spawn.

    I propose making the end spawn points a drop off so they can't just run back into spawn when they decide they don't want none of this.

    If what you mean by drop off, then this is the sort of system that was on the last server. There were lots of struggles with that system, since there was controversy as to whether PVP should be allowed, whether or not someone illegally killed another player etc. This system is much easier, and much better, trust me on this one. Also, there is a spawn in the overworld and one in the Nether. I think it's very appropriate to have in the End as well, not having one would just raise issues.

    @Sub So it's k to run away back into a safezone when you're in combat? that seems anti pvp.

    For one, a reason it's ok is because players should have a choice as to whether or not they want to PVP. This is not a PVP server, this is a vanilla server where players outside of spawn and in the arena CAN PVP. Personally, I don't think running back to spawn should be frowned upon, because if they can get away they should have that choice; insert the fight or flight reflex. I conclude, the server is not anti PVP in this situation, it is the player, and as a player there is nothing wrong with being anti PVP.

    @bluesnoww Just use epearls and knockbackback so you push them away from spawn you noob

    10/10 Strategy, try it out.

    @iDogeTwinkie Have you ever thought that they weren't interested into your fucking PvP match?
    They wanted to slay the dragon and you get there and just start hitting them.

    Again I bring up the fight or flight reflex. They wanted to run, and they did so successfully. Accept their escape and carry on with your business.

    @iDogeTwinkie If you want to PvP, then go to the wild or go to the PvP arena and challenge them.

    I would say the End is the wild, but even if they are in the wild, if they can make it out of the wild and into protection, good for them. The PVP arena however is there specifically for PVP. I do think logging in the PVP arena should be frowned upon, however a player deserves the right to leave the server no matter the circumstance.

    @Sub I didn't realize you only wanted to play on a PVE Server. MY BAD.

    Ok calm down, the sass is uncalled for. This server is the best Vanilla Minecraft server out there, and one of the most populated if not the most. This means you'll have a lot of diversity; people who want PVP, people who just want to build, people interested in forming towns and factions and communities, the whole nine yards. Just let the people play how they want to play, the server has all the aspects needed to attract a diverse crowd. Accept the differences.

    @Sub It doesn't matter if they wanted to fight the end dragon, I was going to fight them for whatever reason they were in the end.

    Yes, and they were going to run from anyone who attacked them. This statement seems a bit hypocritical. You're asking for better PVP conditions which would deny them their safety from players who want to kill them.

    @Sub By that logic, raiding shouldn't be allowed either because it's "inconvenient" for other players who don't want get raided.

    Nono, nono. Raiding is a COMPLETELY different beast. Comparing PVP to raiding is like comparing combat to theft. In PVP, the person should be able to run to safety in attempt to live, or fight in attempt to live and kill the other in order to knock down a threat, just as in combat. In raiding, one player is doing the deed and the other has no control over the situation besides the fact that someone happened to find there base, whether it be they had bad base positioning or the person trusted an untrustworthy person. The fact that it is inconvenient to the raided is completely irrelevant, since the raided have no defense tactic regardless of the situation. Of course they can travel time and fix their mistakes... right?

    Let people play how they want to play. If you win, congratulations. If they escape, yay for them. Just let it happen, there's a reason this server has such a diversity of players. The sad thing about the diverse attraction however is that the ignorant will be in there somewhere. The bad comes with the good, I guess.

  10. Thu Mar 17 19:01:20 2016
    JustADork posted in Leprechauns Stash.

    @argonFiles What

    You can't say "what?" to someone through text, just reread the post.

    If you are confused as to what the post means or a certain part of the post, you should clarify your misunderstanding, so they will more easily be able to clear things up if they so please.

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