
Last active 6 years ago

  1. 7 years ago
    Mon May 30 06:54:31 2016
    GodOfDiscordia posted in Lost 30 Dia Blocks to Clear Lag....

    Is there a way to manipulate the command blocks so the entity clear doesn't affect the area within the trading post? I feel that would be a safe way to ensure trades aren't lost. I understand the warning, however trying to see if it's possible to overcome a minor inconvenience.

  2. Mon May 30 06:51:01 2016
    GodOfDiscordia posted in The Problem With Mending.

    Mending hasn't broken a barter economy. It simply devalued armor. The Minecraft Devs also don't build their game around large servers where resources are being accessed from 40+ places at once. Mending is bound to be easier to find and obtain when there is a larger scale economy as opposed to the intended single-player or "play with a few friends" experience.

  3. Wed May 25 23:49:12 2016

    This is cute! May I ask about this identity?

  4. Tue May 24 01:10:11 2016
    GodOfDiscordia posted in What Type of Gamer Are You?.

    I got the same as Gibson lol

    Achiever: 33%
    Explorer: 87%
    Griefer: 47%
    Socializer: 33%

  5. Mon May 23 02:30:29 2016
    GodOfDiscordia posted in Strange screenshots.

    I found a perfectly symmetrical shape while running through the world a few days ago.


  6. Fri May 20 20:24:44 2016
    GodOfDiscordia posted in Saying goodbye to my first base.

    @FishW Well i mean no one in their right mind would jump with God Armor. So i assumed the golden armor was for looks, and most likely from a mob farm. Either that or you are a guy with an excessive amount of gold lol.

    oooh lol. I had a safe landing so no worries. ;)

  7. Fri May 20 17:58:29 2016
    GodOfDiscordia posted in Saying goodbye to my first base.

    @FishW i figured such since you had gold armor. That fall- it looks so long lol

    What does that have to do with anything. l0l

  8. Fri May 20 17:25:37 2016
    GodOfDiscordia posted in Saying goodbye to my first base.

    @FishW Lol are you flying or did you jump, that is my question.

    Lol I was falling.

    @Kinkybobo is that... obsidian...

    No, it was stained clay. But my next one will be obby. >:)

    @ORCA_Gnome oh cool what were the coords.

    Nice try.

  9. Fri May 20 06:56:43 2016
    GodOfDiscordia started the conversation Saying goodbye to my first base.

    Today I had to pack up some things and leave this base behind due to its coords being compromised.


    I spent lots of time on it so it pains me to have to leave.

    So if you see a giant floating purple upside-down pyramid, know that it is now a ruins of my doing.

    Bye bye


  10. 8 years ago
    Thu Mar 3 17:43:58 2016
    GodOfDiscordia posted in 1.9 Release Time.


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