Last active 7 years ago
Also i forgot to mention and idk who it was but someone in here definitely looks like Bill Nye not gonna lie
Lmao spent like 4 straight mins scrolling down here then realized there's a "Latest" button on the right...
O my I meant keep your memes dank
lmao XDD
Hey guys its been almost 2 full years since I joined the server but I haven't been on for a long time due to school/music but now that summer is almost here I have more time to play since I work part time, but can y'all fill me in on what has went down (player wise and any big changes) Im almost caught up w the servers changes itself, and once i get next paycheck I'll be donating. Also any funny/cool stories to share since I've been gone?
keep ur danks meme my dudes
How many computing languages do you know and how did you learn them?
Also wu my dude its been a long time lol
Have you ever considered making a meme page?
IGN- Britz_Gaming
Ello mates,
Reason For Ban- I was banned for a chat infraction and unlawful context in the use of a joke.
Why I Should be Unbanned- Please unban me, I have learned my lesson and shall not do it again. This server is my favourite server in which i have gained lots of good friends and spent lots of time on, so i would not like to see that all go to waste.
- Andrew