
Last active 7 years ago

  1. 7 years ago
    Wed May 17 02:02:39 2017
    Britz_Gaming posted in Story 2.0.

    so he quit minecraft and got rich

  2. Wed May 17 02:01:17 2017
    Britz_Gaming posted in Stress Relief .

    stress relief= memes

    and overwatch

  3. Wed May 17 02:00:08 2017
    Britz_Gaming posted in The Selfie Thread!!.

    Also i forgot to mention and idk who it was but someone in here definitely looks like Bill Nye not gonna lie

  4. Wed May 17 01:57:45 2017
    Britz_Gaming posted in The Selfie Thread!!.

    Lmao spent like 4 straight mins scrolling down here then realized there's a "Latest" button on the right...

  5. Wed May 17 01:52:42 2017
    Britz_Gaming posted in Best Friends.

    blockbeat real MVP

  6. Wed May 17 00:14:46 2017
    Britz_Gaming posted in Aylmao Erryone.

    O my I meant keep your memes dank

    lmao XDD

  7. Wed May 17 00:13:20 2017
    Britz_Gaming started the conversation Aylmao Erryone.

    Hey guys its been almost 2 full years since I joined the server but I haven't been on for a long time due to school/music but now that summer is almost here I have more time to play since I work part time, but can y'all fill me in on what has went down (player wise and any big changes) Im almost caught up w the servers changes itself, and once i get next paycheck I'll be donating. Also any funny/cool stories to share since I've been gone?

    keep ur danks meme my dudes

  8. Wed May 17 00:08:29 2017
    Britz_Gaming posted in CraftyMynes Owner AMA.

    How many computing languages do you know and how did you learn them?

    Also wu my dude its been a long time lol

  9. Sun May 7 13:55:05 2017
    Britz_Gaming posted in CraftyMynes Owner AMA.

    Have you ever considered making a meme page?

  10. 8 years ago
    Sat Jun 25 20:38:04 2016
    Britz_Gaming started the conversation Britz_Gaming's Ban Appeal.

    IGN- Britz_Gaming
    Ello mates,
    Reason For Ban- I was banned for a chat infraction and unlawful context in the use of a joke.
    Why I Should be Unbanned- Please unban me, I have learned my lesson and shall not do it again. This server is my favourite server in which i have gained lots of good friends and spent lots of time on, so i would not like to see that all go to waste.

    - Andrew

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