Last active 7 years ago
I was under the impression that it was a considerable bit weaker than the 6th and 7th gen of i7 but you're correct so ignore what I said before go for a 1070 or 1080 if you can afford it or are willing to buy one.
I thought it was a zombie hand.
It wounds me deeply to see that you are using a 750 ti with that cpu. I would suggest an upgrade to at least a 960 or better yet a 1060 6 GB which would be great to pair with your cpu
As I said I would LIKE to purchase 2 stacks. Unfortunately I won't because I'm banned from the server xD I have no chance for pardon but I still enjoy hanging around the forums I read every post nearly.
I would like to purchase 2 stacks
Would take a Large city to beat this one, you sure yours is bigger?