
Last active 3 years ago

  1. 7 years ago
    Sat Dec 2 13:38:20 2017
    Ealdwine_Drasax posted in Bastion.

    @EnderConstructor The idea is if they have to pay, (basically to cover the time spent me researching all of their actions on the server or on a past server) than they will be invested thus insuring Bastions safety.

  2. Sat Dec 2 06:42:11 2017
    Ealdwine_Drasax started the conversation Bastion.

    I am building a base further out, builders, traders, and those interested in a stable self sustaining base are welcome. The first living quarters will be up for sale in a few days. Shops, Events, and Attractions will be bring the best and brightest on the server. (Consider it a version of Rapture) If you are interested.... Then please contact me and we will discuss your possible introduction to Bastion

  3. Mon Oct 16 17:18:08 2017
    Ealdwine_Drasax posted in END PORTAL PROBLEMS.

    Are the natural portals not usable? Because if that is the case there should be signs up. I did not know that there was a random TP, nor did anyone help me figure out how to get off the dragon island. So I used the portals that you would use to tp out.

  4. Mon Oct 16 02:48:21 2017
    Ealdwine_Drasax posted in END PORTAL PROBLEMS.

    The ones that surround the first island. The one that we all go to fight the dragon. I went to one of those to teleport. It then proceed to kill me. I had never used the end before on this server. I asked if it was different, no one answered me. I asked again. Then the proceeded to tell me to go look it up. So I went the only way I knew how and it killed me.

  5. Mon Oct 16 01:56:29 2017
    Ealdwine_Drasax posted in END PORTAL PROBLEMS.

    I sent the ender pearl through the portal and I was immediately dropped out of the world.

  6. Sun Oct 15 18:47:26 2017
    Ealdwine_Drasax posted in END PORTAL PROBLEMS.

    Where is that located?

  7. Sun Oct 15 17:35:14 2017
    Ealdwine_Drasax started the conversation END PORTAL PROBLEMS.

    So, I have recently just died using a end portal, send a ender pearl through the middle of the portal and I died. loosing all of my armor and tools. Something needs to be done about this. I am pretty good when it comes to resources but players who are not would be pretty upset about this.

  8. Sat Sep 9 20:02:21 2017
    Ealdwine_Drasax posted in who wants to join the hunger games?.

    Thanks @minesy

  9. Sat Sep 9 19:52:46 2017
    Ealdwine_Drasax posted in who wants to join the hunger games?.

    Count me in. Hell, I can build traps, supplies, and stuff like that

  10. Fri Sep 8 03:02:48 2017
    Ealdwine_Drasax posted in Buy Your Spot.

    IF interested you may message me

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