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  1. 7 years ago
    Mon Jan 15 02:51:17 2018
    Hacktivision posted in The Deal of a Lifetime.

    OtherGreenGamer is right, 4 stacks is completely over-priced. Besides, this whole "Deal of a Lifetime" is an insult to the hard work humfrydog and Harvestar put into the Flamingo Hunt. I've contracted Green to replace the items. Sorry for making such an insane post.

  2. Sun Jan 14 21:06:30 2018
    Hacktivision posted in The Deal of a Lifetime.

    It does sometimes. But I'm under the impression the initial explosion just kills the player and it takes another explosion to destroy the items.

  3. Sun Jan 14 12:15:27 2018
    Hacktivision posted in The Deal of a Lifetime.

    Here's a hint: The explosion was in a small pond in a Plains biome near an Oak forest. You'll be able to see a grove of trees with odd leaves missing and shattered trunks. Those are from the End Crystals.

  4. Sun Jan 14 12:13:19 2018
    Hacktivision started the conversation The Deal of a Lifetime.

    While messing with End Crystals somewhere within VIP+ RTP range (15k from spawn) at 6:00 in the morning, I accidentally blew myself up, leaving a death pile with a full set of God Armor, a God Sword, God Tools, a God Elytra, a God Shield, a God Bow, and a pair of Shulker boxes. I was disappointed how low the rewards for Harvestar's Flamingo Scavenger Hunt were, so here's my offer: 4 stacks of Diamond Blocks for whoever can find my gear in the RTP range and return it.

    The Enchantments and Names of the gear are:

    Diamond Helmet (Unbreaking III, Mending, Protection IV, Respiration III, Aqua Affinity)
    Diamond Chestplate (Unbreaking III, Mending, Protection IV, Thorns III)
    Diamond Leggings (Unbreaking III, Mending, Protection IV)
    Diamond Boots (Unbreaking III, Mending, Protection IV, Depth Strider III, Feather Falling IV)
    Diamond Sword--Revenant's Scalping Knife (Unbreaking III, Mending, Sharpness V, Knockback II, Sweeping Edge III, Looting III, Fire Aspect II)
    Diamond Pickaxe--Revenant's Silk Pickaxe (Unbreaking III, Mending, Efficiency V, Silk Touch)
    Diamond Shovel--Revenant's Spade (Unbreaking III, Mending, Efficiency V, Silk Touch)
    Diamond Axe--Revenant's Tomahawk (Unbreaking III, Mending, Efficiency V, Silk Touch, Sharpness V)
    Elytra--(Unbreaking III, Mending, )
    Bow--Revenant's Rifle (Unbreaking III, Mending, Power V, Flame, Punch II)
    Shield--Revenant's Pavise (White Shield, Black Per Pale, Red Per Pale Inverted, Light Blue Flower Charge, Light Blue Cross, Unbreaking III, Mending)
    White Shulker Box
    Grey Shulker Box

    The deal ends at the same time as Harvestar's Scavenger Hunt: January 17th at 12:00 PM East Coast US Time
    Good luck, and may the odds be ever in your favor.

  5. Mon Jan 8 02:49:19 2018
    Hacktivision posted in Old Fashioned God Bow.

    I bid 160 diamond blocks

  6. Thu Dec 21 00:21:04 2017
    Hacktivision started the conversation Hacktivision Ban Appeal.

    I've just been banned for Harassing/Disrespecting. I don't agree with this because I didn't harass or disrespect anyone. I believe russiangirl504 told me earlier today to stop spreading rumors about her, even though I haven't been. We were friends for months before she changed and I later found out that she and another player called HeckNUp had been lying to me for weeks. Russiangirl leaked coords to her base and led me to believe that Team Eye had found my castle, when in actuality, HeckNUp raided it after blaming me for a grief on their base. I would have just stopped being friends with them, but they continued to be hostile to me, and I suspected they knew where my new base was and would try to grief it. I was right. Russiangirl leaked coords and attempted to raid it (she confessed she did it, "Just to hurt me"), but I had moved everything out the day before on the hunch they would try it. Naturally, I lost all trust in the pair and warned my good friend Yung_Northgard about russiangirl because she had a room inside his base. It turned out russiangirl didn't leak coords to Yung's base, but I was still justified in warning him. She had shown her true colors before and I couldn't let a friend fall prey to the same trap. I don't know what Russiangirl or HeckNUp have told you, but I'm just very hurt by their betrayal and fearful of my own friends turning against me. I don't spread rumors, and I didn't harass or disrespect anyone.

    Thank you,

    VIP+ Hacktivision

  7. Thu Nov 30 19:42:26 2017
    Hacktivision posted in Word Association.


  8. Fri Nov 17 23:33:24 2017

    For once DeGenki, I completely agree with you.

  9. Fri Nov 17 23:30:27 2017

    Did anyone get a screenshot of the guy spamming the slurs?

  10. Fri Nov 17 23:29:11 2017
    Hacktivision started the conversation Randomly Banned for Language, Has CraftyMynes been hacked?.

    It appears I, and several other random players have been banned after someone named Thadj or something began spamming the n-word in chat. None of us participated in the racial slurs, but I noticed people leaving as Thad spammed the slurs. I was kicked and banned for "Language" even though I didn't type in a single slur. I believe our server has been hacked.

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