Last active 7 years ago
@Tweakerzoid @Naidae
The spawner is right above the center of the base in the same level as the sugar cane farm. If you look at the 5th picture, the spawner is centered with that room. Does this answer your question? :)
What is the current bid? I am interested
Cause it seems to be the new popular thing kids are doing these days
I want to become like that Mineseyecraft guy
Does this iron farm still work thanks
Marcothukins and I were doing some exploring and came across a very interesting dungeon that was pretty glitched out. It also had 3 spawners within 20 blocks of each other.
Strange Mineshaft:
Spawners after area was cleared:
How about we just lock this thread until the morning and give the mods/admins a break because this whole thing seems like a headache and a half to me.
Perhaps this is a private server with rules set in place for a specific reason. I do not think your ban is unjust, considering personal information outside of a virtual fantasy world is touchy. If people don't want their shit leaked, don't do it.
By the looks of it Grassling, you have been a bad boy and your past has caught up to you. Perhaps this mishap was the final nail in the coffin for you.
I also saw the post before it was deleted.
However, from what I have heard Grassling has been acting inappropriate for close to the entirety of his time here on this server. His ban was justified due to a long past of other bans on top of this one.