
Last active 7 years ago

  1. 7 years ago
    Sat Feb 3 20:20:30 2018
    LillieMC posted in CM Fit Club.

    @Tez1010 I'd like to join!

  2. Mon Jan 15 19:02:44 2018

    @Cileklim Where are the coords?

    oops the coords are 5130/74/-2438

  3. Mon Jan 15 18:57:46 2018

    Found another.
    It had an oak sapling in it lol

  4. Mon Jan 15 16:02:01 2018

    @Cileklim Beware! We were informed that some players are setting traps using flamingos. We checked the database but they don't seem to claim any of the flamingos, probably to not reveal their identities. This means that you can still claim these rigged ones.

    What if all the flamingos are not found by the end date? Do you end the event and leave the flamingos or continue it?

  5. Sun Jan 14 20:32:47 2018


    Coordinates: -5923/68/-6689

  6. Sun Jan 14 02:31:52 2018

    I work in cybersecurity. I basically protect companies from other hackers that try to steal the information. I enjoy studying astronomy and physics. I love reading and writing and photography as well. I want to get into military type cybersecurity where I would protect the USA systems from hackers from other countries.

  7. Mon Jan 8 03:38:05 2018
    LillieMC joined the forum.