
Last active 7 years ago

  1. 8 years ago
    Tue Mar 7 18:17:05 2017
    Merilwen015 posted in My Base (In progress).

    Very nice project! :)

  2. Tue Mar 7 18:10:37 2017

    Very nice! I agree, this is something I'd like to see in person one day. I like the usage of the sea lanterns :) I also hope this place will not be griefed, I would find that a bit sad. Is it wool and hardened clay you used for the zombie?

  3. Tue Dec 20 17:12:37 2016
    Merilwen015 posted in Team Low Priced Recruiting!.

    I would be interested, will think about it. Good at building and only killed allies for head decor before, with their permit ^^

  4. Thu Nov 24 18:45:18 2016
    Merilwen015 started the conversation Here is my base chords... :).

    Hello fellow players!
    I like the idea of giving away base chords, so here is my main (although empty of valuable things):
    x: 6592
    z: 18408

    Sadly, it will not befinished but you get an idea what I like. I have other bases, one have been griefed, if you wanna take a look at the ruins look around at:
    x - 6900
    z: -10600

    Last base I'll keep hidden to the end, nothing really to see at all ^^ :P

  5. Thu Nov 24 18:11:15 2016
    Merilwen015 posted in An Important Announcement....

    Finally, I honestly feel. Current but soon gone map has been a lot of fun but I'm looking forward this reset. Crafty, you and staff team have done a great job so far with server, imo. And you do not seem to stop with good stuff either. Hopefully you will find as much joy with this reset as I believe I will find.

  6. Fri Apr 1 17:16:52 2016
    Merilwen015 started the conversation Awesome server, where else to say it? ^^.

    Hi! I just wanted to say I'm really glad to play sometimes on this survival server! Me and my brother, called CreepJester90 in game, has so far had a lot of fun! Hopefully we'll cya around on the map. Peacefully or dueling with weapons.

    Have a nice day! (maybe have a laughter or two)

  7. Fri Apr 1 16:55:00 2016
    Merilwen015 joined the forum.