Last active 8 years ago
So im VIP+ right now do I have to pay for VIP+ Upgrade or just the normal VIP+ to get another month, also couldn't I just wait for my VIP+ to expire and just buy VIP+ again for $15
@cookiestepdog Cap your turn to post the selfie >:D
nvm I didnt see that he deleted it
I used this term a lot when I played Xbox 360 Halo 3.
I thought that jordanowen1992 was banned like a week ago or something?
@Pimpcy are you going to be getting the new Twilight Princess HD?
@FlashFood I still feel like crap for making you lose the first pick :/
I'm glad you made good use of the amending book. Fun fact, I found it in a Mineshaft chest.
Yea I have 2 "God Picks" now and Im trying to sell one :D
@BoneChi11er Lol, what a name for your pick. "God pick"
Yea I imagine it would be the best pick you can get in the game right now :D
@argonFiles Hope you feel better in the future <3 good luck!