
Last active 5 years ago

  1. 6 years ago
    Fri Nov 2 11:49:39 2018
    Silver_Sonya posted in Post Likes and CraftyPoints!.

    Forum engagement can't be considered separately from forum readability.

    Right now, unfortunately, the amount of animated contrasting amber and nyon nicknames on a dark background just makes the whole thing look ridiculous.

    Instead of focusing on the actual content, users are distracted with far less important things.

    Adding more social features to the forums is good tho, just gotta make those likes look less pronounced. Dropping animations and colours from likes section is probably the way to do it.


  2. Sat Sep 29 12:22:00 2018
    Silver_Sonya started the conversation Qoqovich's Ban Appeal 2.

    Hello again!

    Character in question: Qoqovich (ex Silver_Sonya, see

    So apparently something went wrong since my last appeal was approved here as I'm still getting the same banned message.

    Just in case – that's what I'm getting:

    May I kindly ask someone to have a look again pls?


  3. Fri Sep 21 14:36:23 2018
    Silver_Sonya started the conversation Qoqovich's Ban Appeal.

    In Game Name: Qoqovich

    Reason for your ban: Banned by an operator

    Why should you be unbanned: Hey, looks like I've been banned during the 1.12 snapshot. I don't really know or recall why I was banned, must be some chat/trolling violations, definitely not cheating of any kind. IGN used at the time of the ban was, most likely, Silver_Sonya.

    I would like to kindly ask to be unbanned or provided some more information regarding my ban so I can make a proper statement/spology about it.


  4. 7 years ago
    Fri Jan 19 14:08:02 2018
    Silver_Sonya started the conversation Inventory during IGN change.


    I am considering changing my IGN. Will I keep my inventory during this process?

    FAQ clearly states I will, however some posts on this forum suggest otherwise.


  5. Fri Jan 19 13:24:55 2018

    @R4iscool1 We can not be responsible for anything lost in a name change process, its entirely at the risk of the user.

    Perhaps its time for you to reread (or read?) the FAQ so you don't mislead users about not keeping their inventory during IGN change.

    Here, lemme help you:


  6. Fri Jan 19 12:45:49 2018

    @R4iscool1 Quite interesting how your account only jumps in on staff bashing threads though.

    Quite interesting how you can't remember your own words from 5 days ago but can easily recall my activity from 5 month ago ;)

  7. Fri Jan 19 12:43:48 2018

    @R4iscool1 I don't recall doing so perhaps you can quote me? "

    Sure, lemme help your memory out:

    OP: I changed my name and as a result partially lost my inventory.
    R4: "We can't be responsible for anything you lose during that process."
    FAQ: "...however, you will still have your home and inventory."

    Hope that helps mate!

  8. Fri Jan 19 08:49:44 2018

    @R4iscool1 You are responsible for you name change, it states clearly in the Faq what will happen if you do so.

    I like how R4 doesn’t feel the need to apologise even though he clearly lied about the FAQ stating anything about losing armour/inventory.

  9. Wed Apr 26 19:28:36 2017

    @R4iscool1 Yeah I never discussed your civility or intelligence but if you want to discuss OP there's plenty of rebuttals I have made to your arguments and the basis on which you made them if you want to address those, since nothing is going to change till you can provide clear logical points.

    Ok, how about that: only survival obtainable items only as a part of donation perks. No birthday, retirement, graduation and other gifts at unknown admin's discretion.

    Sounds like a plan?

  10. Wed Apr 26 19:12:08 2017

    @STRANGER_ give a solution and stop spitting hot air.

    I see you love giving advices but not fancy following them yourself, right?

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