
Last active 6 years ago

  1. 6 years ago
    Tue Nov 13 22:43:19 2018
    StarfishBlack posted in The Selfie Thread!!.

    @PapaNeon odd, I've seen your face used a LOT for reaction pictures online - are you sure that's you? bigthonk.mp3

    no im not sure. ive only used mirrors and cameras to see me.


  2. Mon Nov 12 19:55:33 2018
    StarfishBlack posted in The Selfie Thread!!.

    I thought i'd throw my mug into the mix! hahaa


  3. Wed Aug 1 00:52:32 2018
    StarfishBlack started the conversation StarfishBlack's Unban Appeals StarfishBlack.

    My name is starfishblack
    And I was banned for "trolling"
    I promise I won't do it again

  4. Tue Jun 5 05:27:08 2018

    Title of the thread: My Bestfriend was unjustly banned by scary old men also me

    In Game Name: mcgrahamkracker and StarfishBlack

    Reason for your ban: Posting a link because he wanted to promote CreeperGaming's SICK youtube ChanneL! and I hasve broken keyboaRD with caps lock turning on sometimes. also discord say i have loud mic BUt didnt tell mee how to fix it.

    Why should you be unbanned: He wont do it again because HE realized that Creepergaming's CONTENT wasn'T tthat ssick after all. My keboard broke and i didnt know how to fix

  5. 8 years ago
    Thu Dec 22 19:07:27 2016
    StarfishBlack started the conversation i GOT banned for being mean sorry.

    To everyone appealing a ban:

    Please follow this format.

    Title of the thread: (your In Game Name here)'s Ban Appeal


    Reason for your ban: idk????!?!? I THInk i Said something MEAN. I Am sorry for it.

    Why should you be unbanned: I learn my lessON an won tdo it agen.


    And as for the responses, ONLY authorized STAFF are allowed to answer the ban appeal. Unauthorised posts will be removed.

    Thank you.

  6. Thu Dec 22 19:04:06 2016
    StarfishBlack joined the forum.