Last active 6 years ago
@PapaNeon odd, I've seen your face used a LOT for reaction pictures online - are you sure that's you? bigthonk.mp3
no im not sure. ive only used mirrors and cameras to see me.
I thought i'd throw my mug into the mix! hahaa
My name is starfishblack
And I was banned for "trolling"
I promise I won't do it again
Title of the thread: My Bestfriend was unjustly banned by scary old men also me
In Game Name: mcgrahamkracker and StarfishBlack
Reason for your ban: Posting a link because he wanted to promote CreeperGaming's SICK youtube ChanneL! and I hasve broken keyboaRD with caps lock turning on sometimes. also discord say i have loud mic BUt didnt tell mee how to fix it.
Why should you be unbanned: He wont do it again because HE realized that Creepergaming's CONTENT wasn'T tthat ssick after all. My keboard broke and i didnt know how to fix
To everyone appealing a ban:
Please follow this format.
Title of the thread: (your In Game Name here)'s Ban Appeal
Reason for your ban: idk????!?!? I THInk i Said something MEAN. I Am sorry for it.
Why should you be unbanned: I learn my lessON an won tdo it agen.
And as for the responses, ONLY authorized STAFF are allowed to answer the ban appeal. Unauthorised posts will be removed.
Thank you.