

Last active 8 years ago

  1. 8 years ago
    Tue Aug 9 20:11:59 2016
    iclutchHD changed TabooWolf's group to Suspended.
  2. Tue Aug 9 20:01:54 2016
    TabooWolf started the conversation TabooWolf's Ban Appeal #3 - the appealening.

    I've got nothing. V mod guy. You're not really doing much to improve the place. Censoring free speech. Making mountains out of molehills. What's there to say? Saying hola is a bannable offense? It seems like you care so much about the rules you forgot about the intent of people that observe them. Was anybody trying to hurt your fragile ego? No. It's like you're the type of person that wakes up in the morning thinking, yeah somebody is out to get me but I'll get them first! No need to fuel your delusions of power. The market is absolutely saturated with vanilla servers now that I've looked a little. Here's one called (Redacted) where they don't ban you for speaking freely. So not that it makes a difference, but person to person, maybe find some better outlets for your little power craze. Perhaps become a police officer and shoot some people, might make you feel better. Maybe go to the gym and release a little estrogen. Whatever floats your goat. No difference to me though.

    Cheers to you V kid.

    Ps. Stay tuned readers for mod V's anxious reply reassuring everybody that they do, in-fact, go to the gym.

    Taboo out.

  3. Tue Aug 9 19:39:56 2016
    TabooWolf posted in PVP Arena Changes!!!.

    So would it keep a score that you could ask the server for? Like look how much damage I've taken! What would it's purpose really be for us simple folk out here?

  4. Tue Aug 9 19:35:41 2016
    TabooWolf posted in PVP Arena Changes!!!.

    Woah neat.

  5. Tue Aug 9 19:27:42 2016

    It could even be a sort of tiered city, like artisans on top, builders in the middle, farmers on the bottom. Not that any of those 3 are lesser or more than the others, but I just couldn't think of better castes.

  6. Tue Aug 9 19:18:14 2016

    You can do it! Just take that first lip, mine back 5 or 6 blocks and boom little walkway for the village. At the end of the ravine add a full height (of the ravine) wall with windows and such. That's the main part of the castle. Then fill the bottom of the ravine with rare resource blocks or lava. Boom complete. Don't let these folks tell you what to do. Ravines rule.

  7. Tue Aug 9 19:14:40 2016
    TabooWolf started the conversation TabooWolf's Ban Appeal.

    In Game Name: TabooWolf

    Reason for ban: Calling Venetorem out for abuse of power

    Hello again. TabooWolf back with some brand new formatting!
    The reason for my appeal is that, with the utmost sincerity, I am sorry for making Venetorem so upset. I didn't realize in joining this server that she/he was so delicate so as to not be able to take a joke. After receiving a temp ban for what was obviously jest I called the abuse and was promptly perma-banned for my honesty. This is my second appeal as my first one wasn't sincere enough. So here's a working definition of sincerity.

    the quality of being free from pretense, deceit, or hypocrisy.

    By this definition the only way I could really rectify my last post is to lay out exactly the words that got me banned. After my temp-ban for very slight reasons, I told mod Venetorem that he/she is "a literal nazi." Referencing the cultural censorship of art and conversational readings. Above that, this is also a joke, that no sensible person would take that great an offense to. For a vanilla server it seems very heavily regulated.

    So with complete sincerity, which doesn't mean kissing up to the mod that banned me, I would like to appeal this ban on the simple grounds that this server has a few reasonable mods who don't ban for the most minor of upsets. I truly enjoyed the free nature of this server and once again, it's a real bummer to be banned for such a lame reason by such a lame mod.

    Taboo out.

  8. Tue Aug 9 18:34:00 2016
    TabooWolf started the conversation TabooWolf's ban appeal.

    Hello all. I've always had a bit of a slight satirical inclination, but never with the intent of being mean. Today I was banned after an telling a mod that "I will ban him, cause my dad works for microsoft." An obvious joke to any normal person. This mod however took great offense to it and banned me for trolling him and calling his abuse of power. I've always thought of mods as impartial and not so easily upset by whimsical jests. This is one of the cooler actual vanilla servers I've been able to find and after about an hour of work, it's a real bummer to be banned. So for better or worse that's my tale, sorry whichever mod I hurt so bad. From the bottom of my heart I'm truly sorry.

    Ps. My dad still might ban you

  9. Tue Aug 9 18:26:39 2016
    TabooWolf joined the forum.