Last active 7 years ago
Can't imagine how easy it would be to get there now that elytra can fly 100mph
If you want to see all of the f3 commands press f3+q
Gives me an idea...
@_Haxington_ Or just ignore all rules and have fun!
If you get raided then you get to start over! :D
Hax has a good point. Though you should be able to live comfortably I have no problem doi g this even when I know my base is at risk. All of these factors are very small risks in terms of chances of people finding you. Because the set render distance is 5 someone would have to be physically within those exact chunks of you and then be reading their entities constantly.
@HaloNest here's my texture pack!
well, to be honest that is not a texture pack... it is just a mix of texture packs.
to be more honest it is not even that, my pack is a pack that I put up myself picking tweak texture packs from the internet.
basically it is a better default... here's the complete thing that I put up...
diorite, andesite and granite... I think they look better
you can also do thi with optifine but...
wood is a little bit more shaped
dramatic skys
mossy cobble and afiliated have a different green, more realistic
more natural pumpkins
better clay, c'mon! the red one is orange in the default, and the blue one is purple!
darker purpur, way better
darker cactus
you can choose 10 types of elytras...
this is way better
more cyanish water
fancy GUI for fancy guys
fancier paths!
This looks fantastic though im fairly certain my pc would run like shit on this. Nice!
As said in the title you can assume what this is about. I've been wiating for a post to come up about what texture packs people are using and why as well as what they look like!
- thanks, Crimson
Whats the texture pack youre ysing?
I would like to purchase a god fishing rod. Thanks guys!
@OpticImpulse make your statue again. Have it like an aquarium theme. Like a toy castle and giant chest. Bubbl3s of glasd flosting up.
Thanks a ton @MizoreShirayuki and @PapaNeon great goods great interaction. Cant wait to trade with you again!
If I were to ask for a god hoe.... what would be the response?
I understand its not only uncommon but ridiculous. But I kinda want one