
Last active last week

  1. 2 months ago
    Thu Oct 17 17:36:44 2024
    oroJefe posted in PieRay.

    @ThePhoenix You only took a snippit of what I said this was referring to arguing about if an admin has said its not allowed or not and him asking me to post a screenshot of it being said.. Arguing over that is trivial and pointless is what that statement was referring to

    My bad, I took it to mean we shouldn't amiably discuss the use of F3 and this particular ban.

  2. Thu Oct 17 17:22:58 2024
    oroJefe posted in PieRay.

    @ThePhoenix And you are right it’s pointless to argue because what’s been done is done. Move on.

    Staff specifically asked that discussion of the topic be moved from in-game to the forum. I think when a long-term player is banned, in what *might* be deemed a grey area, a thoughtful discussion isn't out of order.

  3. Thu Oct 17 17:17:39 2024
    oroJefe posted in PieRay.

    To be clear, the point of my post was to hopefully clarify the rules so everyone is on the same page. While ThePhoenix writes that staff in game have explained the feature should not be used - I've never seen that (I'm not disputing it was said). Again, I've seen numerous players discuss the feature in game and not been corrected. Feels like there is definitely some confusion we can clear up.

    To underline, it's not explicitly excluded in the rules, which the in game command links to. I realize a completely exhaustive list will never be feasible, but we do specifically rule out game-breaking things, like multi-dimension farms for example.

    I appreciate the point about the generalized "unfair advantage" clause, and can see that would apply here; still given the use of the feature by numerous players, I suspect it needs to be specifically called out.

  4. Thu Oct 17 14:38:47 2024
    oroJefe posted in PieRay.

    Bedrock probably was a poor example :) I meant it inasmuch, hey you can do it in vanilla. But the rules clearly say you shouldn't on the server. Same goes for 0 tick farms, portal farms etc.

    Unless I've missed it there's no such caveat for the pie chart, banning it on the forum. Given that it's part of F3 (which everyone uses for coords/entities anyway) it's really easy to see how a few players might not assume it's banned.

  5. Thu Oct 17 06:37:22 2024
    oroJefe started the conversation PieRay.

    Regarding VIP's ban (I couldn't see a way to add a comment on their appeal), I wanted to add my two cents - if that's acceptable. I don't believe the use of the F3 pie chart is explicitly banned or implied. It's vanilla functionality of the game, but a grey area for sure. A corollary would be breaking bedrock blocks, which while part of vanilla, is prohibited in the rules. My apologies if I've missed the PieRay note.

    During my years on the server, several players have discussed the feature. Notably with mods/admins online at the time, who didn't interject. I'm a builder, not a base seeker, so have never really dabbled - but - my personal belief was this wasn't banned per se.

    I think it'd be wonderful if the rules could be updated to include this. I'd also like to massively underscore I appreciate the admin and mod team that works to keep the server safe, inclusive, and free of individuals looking to seek advantages.

    P.s. I don't know VIP, and I am again hugely thankful to the admin/mod team - not looking to upset anyone. Perhaps a rule clarification though would be good.

  6. 2 years ago
    Tue Apr 19 01:51:19 2022
    oroJefe posted in April crate missing?.

    That's very kind, thanks! I was about to renew my MVP anyway, just wasn't sure when to do so :)

  7. Mon Apr 18 01:57:31 2022
    oroJefe started the conversation April crate missing?.

    Just wanted to mention I didn't get the April MVP crate, I know others have, so wondered if someone could look. Thanks :)

  8. Sat Feb 19 18:25:50 2022
    oroJefe posted in Simulation distance.

    Thanks for confirming Crafty, I appreciate it, and again completely appreciate the need for curtailing server load where possible. Is this a temporary game design change for the server, or will it be fixed for the remainder of this map? I only ask so that I can plan future builds in mind of the range limit.

  9. Thu Feb 17 20:59:47 2022
    oroJefe started the conversation Simulation distance.

    I saw this vaguely mentioned a while back, but nothing formal confirmed by staff. From testing it looks like the server's simulation-distance is set to 2 chunks, is this correct?

    I completely understand why that decision has been made if so, especially with a brand new map and all the load that new chunk generation causes. If the above is correct (and based off freezing entities I'm kinda sure it is) is there a potential for it to be gently increased at a future date? The server has been far more stable of late, and perhaps a relaxation, no matter how small, can be tested?

  10. 4 years ago
    Tue Jul 28 19:14:21 2020
    oroJefe started the conversation VIP rank and homes.

    Hey guys. With the paid VIP rank it says the first two homes are free. Am I right in inferring VIPs then have a new third home which is accessible via the vote credits?

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